Ch 29. Catalyst

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A/N: Sorry its short and blah :)  

Shout out to one of my fav authors on wattpad. See if you can spot it ;) 

Scott was the first to wake the next morning.

He felt like his head was under a huge boulder and it was being slowly squished into bits.

He rubbed his eyes and made a face at the horrible taste in his mouth. He lay there for a moment, hoping the intense pounding in his head would cease, but it never did.

He finally sat up and made another face as he got up and threw on some boxers before heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth to rid himself of that 'something just died in my mouth' taste.  He popped a couple of headache pills on the way out.

He was shuffling back to the bedroom when he spotted the man on his couch.

Zac was still there. 

He walked over to him slowly, wrapping his arms around himself to shield from the chilly air, and looked at the sleeping man, squinting a bit. 

Zac looked a mess while still managing to somehow look angelic. 

Scott laughed a bit to himself as he picked up the empty vodka bottle from the floor near him and disposed of it. He also picked up random clothing articles that happened to be randomly strewn about, including a bear onesie. 

I don’t think I wanna know...

He couldn’t remember much about last night.  He remembered dancing with Kirstie and one of the girls, Deanne, from the studio and that was about it. He could VAGUELY remember annoying Mitch in the backseat of Kirstie’s car on the way back but that was the stopping point.

He made a face as he spotted the blood caked on Zac’s neck and down around his collarbone, a large bruise surrounded what looked like a bite mark. 

He sat on the edge of the couch next to him so that he could examine it closer. 

What the hell?!

He got up and made a face as his vision swirled a bit as he stood too quickly, but the vertigo passed and he went to find something to clean Zac up with.

He got what he needed and sat on the edge of the sofa next to Zac again. 

He used a wet cloth to clean the blood off of his neck and the places it had dripped to and then around the wound. 

Who would have BITTEN him? Like really bit him…?

He was nearly startled when he heard a hiss as he cleaned at the sensitive area. 

He looked to see Zac’s eyes fluttering open then pressing closed again to shut out the light with a groan. 

“Morning sunshine…” 

He received a grunt in return…

“Zac, I know you’re kinky and shit but who the hell did you let bite you.” Scott laughed a bit as he put some antiseptic on it. 

Zac opened one eye and looked at him. 

“You’re the one that did it, asshole” he was mumbling and then closed his eye trying to get back to sleep. 

Scott stared at him. 

I BIT you?” Scott shook his head. “No I didn’t… I wouldn’t bite you.” 

“ya did.” Zac had tried to think of a witty comeback, but his brain was still swimming.

Scott couldn’t remember and he was trying for the life of him to. Why would he have bitten Zac?!

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