Ch 39. OK

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A/N Sorry it's kinda short - I've been a bit preoccupied writing for Full of Grace, but I'm almost done so I can focus on this again. It's short but it packs a punch. 


The next morning Kirstie was hopping up and down on his bed bright and early. 

She was afraid he’d be mopey since Scott hadn’t responded yet, so she figured she would try to keep him busy. She’d been surprised to see him sleeping so peacefully. She had kinda expected him to have stayed up half the night worrying himself into the ground.

She smiled when he groaned and waved an arm a bit trying to hit her. 

“Go ‘way” he mumbled into his pillow. 

“Nope. It’s time to get up. I’m taking you to breakfast.” 

“Boo, you whore.” 

Kirstie smiled. There was her Mitchie. She fell to her knees on the mattress and laid next to him. “C’mooooonnn I’ll buy you Starbucks?” 

He popped open one eye to look at her. 

She smiled cutely at him. “C’mon Sleeping Beauty.” 

He stretched out. “Fine but breakfast is on you! And you're taking me to IHOP” 

“Done! I’m glad you finally got some sleep. Was it the dirty dreams?” 

Mitch turned over, the smile crawling up his lips as he remembered the night before. He sat up and saw his floral button down draped over the closet door knob. His smile only grew. Last night hadn’t been a dream. Scott had actually been there and he’d kissed him. He had chosen him. 

“Wow, Cheery McGrins. Must’ve been some dream.” 

Mitch looked at her. "He is. But it wasn’t a dream.” 

She raised an eyebrow. “Clarity. I’m asking.” 

“He came over last night.” 

Her eyes widened. “You’re kidding!? When? What happened? Why isn’t he here?”

He laughed as he watched her. 

“He chose me, Kirst. He chose me.” 


A shower, loads of giggling and about 20 million questions later and they finally were able to leave the house and head for Starbucks. 

“So friends…”

“He wants us to be friends first. I mean, I can do that. I can be patient. I’ll wait for him. 

“And he kissed you.” 

Mitch grinned. “Mmmhmmm. Lotsa times.” 

“Ok, but did he say he was choosing you? Like outright?” 

Mitch mentally replayed the night and the conversation. “Well, no but he definitely implied it.

“How definitely?” 

“He said ‘We’re going to take it slow. We’re going to be friends first.’ I mean, first implies something after. Plus he kissed me and he said ‘You and me’. That sounds pretty definite to me.” 

She nodded. “You’re right, I just didn’t want you to get your hopes up if Scott was still not sure.” 

Mitch pouted. “Thanks Debbie Downer. Now I’m going to over analyze everything.” 

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