Ch 12. Realization

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Mitch hated being impaired. He hated not being able to just get up and dance when he wanted.  Now that he had his gel brace on he wanted to try to move around without his crutches.  He had tried once, but Scott had gone into protective mode and yelled at him furiously, telling him he was going to hurt himself even more if he didn't stop being so stubborn.

Mitch had pouted, of course, but he found the way that Scott was slightly overprotective of him completely endearing.

He almost lied when Scott asked if he was ok to shower by himself. (He could, but did he want to?!) But, no. He didn't want Scott to feel like his mother, that would just be weird.

So no, he handled that part on his own.

Scott refused to let him do anything else on his own. It was pretty adorable the way he'd hurry over if Mitch even tried to get up.  He could do it on his own, of course.  Mitch had been through this before.  Being a dancer came with general sprains and injuries as an occupational hazard.  He tried to tell Scott this, but he wasn't hearing it.  

Of course, it was becoming quite convenient in other ways.  Every time Scott would come over, would come close enough, Mitch would steal a kiss. Sometimes it was a simple peck, sometimes he would hold onto Scott's shirt and linger.

Scott would always kiss back and afterward would smile and blush adorably before hurrying about whatever he had been previously doing. Mitch loved every second of it.

Then something odd happened.

Zac had stopped by to bring Scott some clothes & things he'd need for the weekend since Scott refused to leave Mitch even for a second. (It was just a sprain, but try to tell him that.)

Zac had asked to speak to Scott in private. There was an odd expression on his face.  Something was most definitely up.

Mitch tried to hear what was going on in the hallway from his spot on the couch. He heard Zac's voice raise, then Scott's, but they quieted as quickly as they'd raised. He couldn't make out any of it.

They were out there for quite awhile and Mitch began to get worried. Something about Zac was starting to worry him.

Zac's frequent text messages, Zac's phone calls, Zac openly staring at Scott every time they'd been in a room together. Mitch felt the jealousy again. It wasn't fair that Zac got to spend that much time with Scott.

Wait a second!  Holy $hit!

He had an epiphany. Not only was Zac definitely bi, and not only did he just appreciate looking at Scott on occasion, Zac wanted Scott. Zac Efron really wanted HIS Scott!

Of all the people in the world, Zac had to want who he wanted??????? Why did he always seem to have that kind of luck? He made a face inwardly. Why would Scott choose him over Zac? Well, maybe Scott would.  He didn't have Zac's pictures hanging on the wall. That him smile.

Then again, he didn't need Zac's pictures on the wall. He had the 3D version sleeping right in the next room.

Can I really compete with Barbie AND Ken?Even if he does choose me over Angel, who in their right mind would choose me over Zac?  Hell, I wouldn't choose me over him.

That made him depressed and pouty again.

What if Scott knew about it?? What if they had already-

He was starting to give himself a head trip. No, no Scott wasn't like that. There was no way Scott had any idea.

He tried to think of something else, their moment in the ocean, but all he could think about was Zac in Scott's bed on top of Scott...

No. That could not be how this ended. Zac was not going to win this war.  Scott had been kissing HIM. Scott had told him he'd never felt for anyone like he'd felt for him.

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