Ch 6. Letdown pt 2

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Alright, pull it together, Mitch.  Hormones down! 

He swallowed nervously.


"Scott, hey..."  He tried to keep his eyes on Scott's face, rather than letting them roam elsewhere. 

"Hey."  Scott shifted a bit.  He attempted a bit of a smile, but it fell just a bit short.


"Look, about this morning-"  Mitch began. 

Scott interrupted him.  "It really wasn't a big deal." 

"It was.  It was and I am really sorry about it." 

He had more he wanted to say, but a voice from behind him stopped him. 

"Aren't you going to invite him in?"  Zac appeared from the hallway.  He had been slightly surprised to come home to find Mitch standing outside of his doorway.  He wondered why the conversation was being held right in the entryway.  

"Oh, right. Come in," Scott stepped out of the way and the dancer moved inside, followed by Zac.  

"Sorry about that." Scott apologized as they relocated their conversation to the living room. 

Mitch was nervous enough as it was about this conversation without a third party listening in, but he was saved from any more awkwardness when Zac went to his own room and shut the door.  

"Can we sit?" He needed a bit of space, and if Scott was sitting maybe his exposed upper half wouldn't be such a distraction.  

"Yeah, sure."  Scott didn't know what was about to happen.  He hadn't had such an awkward exchange since he was interviewing for jobs.   He sat on the couch and Mitch sat on the other end, both of them angled towards each other.  

Mitch took a deep breath and decided to just get on with it.  "Ok, look...  I really want to apologize for this morning."  

Scott opened his mouth to protest, but Mitch held up a hand to stop him.

"Please, just let me finish."  

Scott nodded.  

"I really was a complete and utter ass and the reason isn't even because of anything you did.  I was just really nervous about telling you the truth about me and I let it get into my head and I psyched myself out and all of it came out as that stupid outburst I had.  I'm an idiot and it really was NOT about you or your dancing! You were doing really well, actually." 

Scott was watching him, listening intently to the rushed explanation he was getting.  "The truth about you?"

Mitch chewed on his lip.  "That I'm...  that I'm gay." 

Scott just kind of looked at him.  He'd figured Mitch was gay, but the confirmation made his insides seem to do a happy dance.  But really,   ...Mitch was worried to tell him? 

"I'm really sorry." 

"... For being gay?" Scott asked bewildered.

Mitch laughed a bit.  "No, I would never apologize for that.  But, I am sorry that I acted like a douche about it.  I was just afraid of how you'd react."

Scott was taken aback. "Mitch," he smiled a little, "I don't care that you're gay.  It doesn't matter to me.  We're still friends.  Whether you're straight, gay, bi, or whatever, we're cool, alright?" Scott wanted to tell him about his own tendencies, but he decided to keep that under wraps.  He had Angel.  There was no need to explain anything else.  

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