Ch 10 Then the Morning Comes

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A/N  Thank you all so much for reading this.  This was one 5500 word chapter, but I've decided to break it up a bit, because it just seemed SOOO long.  The next one will come in probably an hour or so, but yeah.  


Mitch seemed to be taking FOREVER in the shower.  How long does it take to clean yourself?

Scott had taken the alone time to explore a bit, snooping around and looking at everything he hadn't already seen around Mitch's home.  He looked at his books on his bookshelf, the random stuffed animal on a shelf, the pictures of him and his family and friends.  

He smiled when he noticed a picture of he, Mitch and Kirstie laying on his own living room floor, their heads smooshed together to fit into the frame of Mitch's iPhone camera.

So much had changed in a short amount of time.  In just a couple of months he had grown so attached to the people in this photo that he couldn't imagine life without them.  Kirstie was like a little sister.  She was so energetic and full of life and it made him want to be near her, just to bask in the energy she created.  She was goofy and childlike, she was fearless and outspoken.  She wore her heart on her sleeve, and he loved her for every bad joke she told, every horrible dance move she would bust out in the middle of a store, and for every hug she gave for no reason at all.  She always knew what to say, even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear.  She was the counterbalance to Scott and Mitch.


He sat down on the couch the frame in his hand, running his thumb over the picture of the grinning Italian.  How he adored Mitch.  It seemed like only yesterday he had been watching youtube videos, dreaming that one day he would meet Mitch Grassi.  Now here he was sitting on Mitch Grassi's couch in Mitch Grassi's loft having naughty thoughts about Mitch Grassi.

Mitch was unlike anyone he'd ever encountered.  He was fierce and sassy.  He was opinionated and eclectic. He was strong and strong willed.  He trusted Mitch like he'd never trusted anyone, not even Zac.  Mitch was a puzzle.  There was a confidence that bordered on cocky, never crossing the line, but there was also a huge amount of vulnerability that Mitch didn't usually let anyone see.  Scott had discovered that the more Chardonnay he consumed the more his insecurities surfaced.  Scott loved that he wasn't perfect. He was flamboyant and pushed the boundaries of Scott's comfort zone constantly.   

He wondered, absently, if he felt so strongly for the other man because he had been a fan for so long.  Maybe because he'd watched so many videos he felt like he already knew Mitch before he'd even met him.  It was absurd to think that way, but it also made a bit of sense to Scott.  Even he couldn't really sort how he felt.  Mitch made him giddy, and happy but also at times so lustful he couldn't breathe properly.  It was confusing and disorienting ...   and Scott could not have been more enamored.  

He placed the picture frame on the end table next to the couch and decided to get comfortable to wait for Mitch to finish out his shower.  He stretched out and pulled the blankets over him.  

They smelled like Mitch's cologne.  He pulled them up higher and closed his eyes, cushioning his head on his arm.

He began to wonder what these walls had seen. What did Mitch do when no one was around?

Scott wondered.


He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice that the water had turned off and the door to the bathroom had opened.

He almost opened his eyes when he felt a dip in the couch as Mitch sat next to him.

He thinks I'm asleep!  What do I do? Wait, what is he doing?

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