Ch 5. Letdown pt 1

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Kirstie and Mitch didn't say their goodnights until well after 11 o'clock. The three dancers had stayed up laughing and goofing off for hours, just enjoying each other's company.  Zac's girlfriend had called him right after dinner and he'd left to stay the night with her so it was just the three of them and they didn't see the need to stay quiet. They all enjoyed themselves more than they had in a long time. Scott especially. Sometimes he took life and everything else too seriously. It was good to just relax and let loose.

He felt that instant connection with Mitch like he always did. Something about him just put Scott at ease and he opened up without hesitation.

Kirstie & Mitch seemed to like him too... or so he had thought.


Scott didn't know what to think as he stepped into the studio the next morning.

Mitch was acting... odd.   Sure he was still nice and everything but something was different.

He was tense and stern, serious and completely no-nonsense. He wasn't at all like the Mitch from the night before. That smile, those dimples that had the innate ability to disarm Scott were nowhere to be found.

He was trying to teach Scott the basics of contemporary.

Scott was really trying 100%, but he still was having a bit of a rough time at first.  He wasn't classically trained. The moves were completely foreign and his body didn't seem to want to move the way Mitch wanted it to.  He wasn't horrible, he got it generally right and faster than most beginners would, but still it wasn't technically what Mitch was used to.

Scott tried to laugh it off just as he had done when Mitch had fumbled when he was teaching him hip hop, but Mitch only seemed completely annoyed and frustrated with him.  

The brunette seemed reluctant to move him the way he should be.  He wouldn't even come near Scott to help him get the feel of it, to correct it, he just kept demonstrating over and over again.  

Scott tried and tried, pushing himself as hard as he could, hating the look on Mitch's face.  Scott tried to decipher it- Disappointment...frustration... and maybe something else...

He still refused to give up until Mitch simply lost it almost out of nowhere and snapped at him harshly.

"Jeezus, c'mon!  I've shown you a dozen times. It's not that hard!"


... and just like that he felt ridiculous.  He stopped trying altogether and just kind of nodded.  He felt more than ridiculous, he felt foolish and talentless for the first time in such a long time.  It hit him hard...   hard enough he felt it in his chest and almost lost his breath from the weight of it.  It wasn't even the words, it was the who said them and how.

Mitch sighed after a few moments of heavy silence, the realization of what he'd done making his chest tighten. "Scott I'm soo sorry.  I just had some trouble sleeping last night. I didn't mean it."

Scott bit the inside of his cheek to keep his emotions from betraying him.  "Look its ok I know I suck at this.  You don't have to try to teach me anymore, I'll never get it anyway.  I'll just stick with what I know, not a big deal" he tried to laugh it off again but Mitch saw the hurt on his face and even worse reflecting in his eyes...that is before Scott turned his gaze away from him.

"No, no no I will!  I'm just... I'm're doing fine."

 Mitch felt horrible... guilty.  

Way to go, Princess...the guy looks up to you and you stand here all high and mighty and act like an asshole?  Way to be a dick.

The excuse he'd given Scott had been kind of... sort of...not really true at all. He'd slept fine, wonderfully in fact! That was the problem. His problems lay within his dreams.  He'd had dreams of him and Scott, dreams that were SOOOOOOOOOOO far from being platonic; explicit dreams of him pressing Scott against the wall of his own apartment, of Scott tossing him onto his bed...  on Scott's kitchen table with Zac watching...

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