Ch 15. No More Sleeping

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A/N Slight warning for a bit of language and implied naughty bits 


Mitch awoke the next morning and honestly couldn’t believe it when he realized he wasn’t alone. He yawned a bit as he started to wake up fully, blinking away the haze.


He looked down at the man against him.


He and Scott were sqwunched together in a very different position than Mitch remembered them falling asleep in. He couldn’t help but grin at the thought of - one, waking up with Scott next to him, and two, how freakin’ adorable the object of his affection was as he slept sprawled half on top of him.

At some point Scott had slid halfway down the bed. He now lay on his front, his face buried in Mitch’s stomach. His long legs were splayed in opposite directions, one draped over Mitch’s own. He had one arm curled over Mitch’s hips, the other extended up towards the headboard.

 Mitch chuckled and shook his head.

Only you would origami yourself into that position and be comfortable.

He could feel Scott’s breath tickling the skin of his stomach. He felt goosebumps under the fingers that barely touched his side. He wanted to touch, to kiss.

Scott was a heavy sleeper, if past experience had been any indication, so he felt adventurous once again. He ran his fingers through Scott’s hair, and down the back of his neck. He let his fingers glide up and over the curve of his jawline and back again. That neck of his, it was just begging to be explored. Mitch stared at it, hypnotized by it. That stretch of skin was going to be the death of him. He spread his fingers over it. The expanse was go great and completely unblemished, save one tiny freckle that Mitch wanted to taste. He was a bit obsessed with it. He had a lot of kinks, but this had never been one of them. There was just something about Scott’s neck that was just waiting to be kissed, licked, nipped at, sucked on, and about a hundred other vulgar things he could think of. 

Sucked. That was a such strange word, in Mitch’s opinion. He slightly despised the way the word sounded, mundane and average, even with the enunciation he tended to give it. But boy the action itself deserved a fu¢king fireworks display in its honor. He slid his tongue over his bottom lip. He wanted to. GOD, did he want to. Scott’s neck was so accessible. He could imagine kissing the spot behind his ear where he could feel his heartbeat. He wanted to press his tongue against that spot. He let his fingers dance around it, ghosting over the pulse point. He was almost mesmerized by it, until he noticed that there was a smile on the other boys face and his eyes were no longer closed.

He froze.

Scott turned his head to look up at him. “Got something on your mind, Mr. Grassi?” It was playful, flirty, even if he was still groggy with sleep.

Mitch smirked and decided that two could play the flirt game. “Why, whatever gave you that idea, Mr. Hoying?!”

Scott laughed and buried his face in Mitch's stomach as he tightened his arm around him and inhaled, feeling everything starting to wake up. “It’s Scott, Mr. Hoying if you’re nasty…” he sang into skin before laughing sleepily.

Mitch’s heartbeat decided to change rhythm.  

Holy mother of dragons... I can't take it.  

“Ok, Janet.” He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, chewing on it. This had to be the best moment he had ever woken up to, ever. It was even better than that time he’d woken up to Kyle between his legs and that one was pretty hard to beat. Still, this was definitely better.

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