Ch 11. Don't

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The day started out beautifully.

Mitch had a friend in the area who had a house with their own private stretch of beach. The friend was currently out of town, but Mitch still had access.

They had it all to themselves.

They spent hours goofing around like kids.  They danced on the sand,  goofed off in the water. Scott had suggested volleyball, but Mitch complained he had the height advantage so that wasn't fair.

They were currently laying on the beach blanket, trying to find shapes in the clouds.

"That one is ..." Scott started.

"...a one-eared bunny." Mitch interrupted and looked at him with a cheeky smile.

"Noooo.  It's a brachiosaurus." Scott laughed.

Mitch raised an eyebrow and turned his eyes back to the sky. "Maybe without a head."

"It's right there." Scott pointed.

"I think you just have terrible eyes."


They looked over at each other and erupted into giggles.


"If I break my face, I'm blaming you." Scott turned to Mitch with a look. 

"Please, don't do that." Mitch laughed.

Scott giggled and made his first attempt at a handstand.   Mitch hurried over and steadied his legs, laughing the entire time.  "You are 50 feet tall like this! Tighten your tummy muscles." He couldn't stop laughing and eventually Scott lost his balance they both fell to the sand laughing in a heap.


"There is no way that this Queen would ever set foot in a castle like THAT."  He pointed to Scott's sand "castle" that was really more of a sand dome. 

"That's because it's a castle of the future.  Domes are in, spires are out!" 

Mitch threw back his head and laughed at how serious Scott's face was.

Scott's eyes widened suddenly as he had an idea. "You should build little future dome dwellers to live in it!" he said all excited. 

Mitch laughed and got down on his knees beside him, digging his fingers into the wet sand.  He looked at Scott and sang, "Do you want to build a sandman....." 

They  both looked at each other and managed to keep a straight face for about 2 seconds before they both lost it and couldn't stop laughing.


"You are going to turn into a lobster if you don't put more sunscreen on, Sasha."

Scott grumbled and put his drink down.  "Fine, fine." He took the lotion from Mitch's outstretched hand  and began to put it on.  About midway through a thought came to mind.

"Hey, Misha, do you think you could do me a favor and get my back?" Scott looked up at him with the most innocent expression he could manage.

Mitch turned to look at him.  Scott without a shirt on had been enough. Touching him the slightest bit when they wrestled or goofed off was making it harder and harder not to throw the man down in the sand and have his way with him.  But this...  this was going to be somewhere between absolute torture and just a touch of heaven.

"Yeah, no problem."  He took the lotion and moved to sit behind Scott.

He put some lotion in his hand and he started to rub it into the skin of Scott's back.  

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