Ch 13. Awkward

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Kirstie stayed through dinner. The three of them didn't really do anything but sit around and talk.

Mitch was excited to tell her about their dance they'd created but was also sad he couldn't show her.

They played some video games, watched some cartoons, gossiped about random things and people.

"Oh! I almost forgot. What are you two doing tomorrow? Jeremy wants to go to the movies and I want you both to come."

Scott opened his mouth, but Mitch spoke first.

"We were gonna stay in. I have to make Scott watch the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  He's never seen it."

Kirstie gave him a look. "Really? But they're so good!

Scott laughed a bit. "I just didn't think they were interesting looking."

Mitch laughed. "Shows what you know," he gave Scott an adorable look.

Scott punched him gently in the arm.

"So what were you two seeing anyways?"

"The new Transformers movie"

"I wanted to see that!" Scott immediately threw in.

"Me too." Mitch looked at him. Going to the movies with Scott wouldn't be so bad. It would kinda be like a date. That sounded good.

Well, y'know except for the fact that he has a girlfriend. But, really who cares. She's not important anyways. He wasn't in bed with HER earlier. He wasn't making out with her earlier either. So bite that!

They could always watch Pirates tonight. That sounded even better. Also, that would totally give him an excuse to get Scott in his bed tonight instead of on that God forsaken couch.

"So you'll go!?" Kirstie got really excited.

"Sure why not" Mitch grinned and Scott nodded.

Scott jumped a bit, startled as "Pusher Love Girl" started blaring from his pocket. He'd changed it to his ringtone the night before while they had been dancing.

Mitch grinned at the memories.

Scott excused himself and went into Mitch's room as he answered.


Kirstie couldn't hold her smirk any longer. "So, tell me everything! Scott's making camp at your place? Mitch, you've had sprains and breaks and tears and everything else and you've always taken care of yourself just fine."

"I know that, but he doesn't." Mitch grinned. "Kit, he's so cute. He won't let me do anything on my own. My crutches are barely getting used."

"And what about before the sprain? Canceling class?" She smirked and raised her eyebrow suggestively.

"Nothing like that happened, but he did almost kiss me."


"Yeah, last night.  He was so close and was about to do it, but then you called which I'm still mad about by the way. Anyhoo, I was disappointed so....I kissed him.."

Kirstie's eyes turned as wide as saucers. "Seriously!?"

"Well, he was asleep at the time but..."

She rolled her eyes. "Get me all excited and he was sleeping..."

"But then..."

That got her attention again...

"This morning we went to the beach, which you know. We played around all day and whatever. So I went out into the water by myself and he comes hurrying out into the water out of nowhere. Then he just... grabbed me and held me against him. He had this super intense look. And when I say he was holding me, I mean he was really holding onto me. He was all looking at me and I was looking at him and I could SO tell he was going to kiss me"

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