Ch 22. An Invasive Beard

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Mitch made his way home and did exactly as Scott had directed. It was almost as if he was afraid if he didn’t do as Scott had asked him that he would come in that night and automatically know he hadn’t done his physical therapy and would then change his mind and leave.

The day seemed to crawl by.

He tried everything he could possibly think of to make the time pass, but his thoughts just always shifted right back to Scott and he couldn't keep his eyes off of the clock.

He’d touch his lips with his fingers as if he could still feel Scott pressing his own so desperately against them.

That kiss… was a dream. No matter what happened tonight he was damn sure no one else would ever be able to top that moment. There was no way possible for anyone to top that kiss.

He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes, attempting to remember every second of it.  His thoughts took him away to a peaceful slumber.


Scott felt like time was flying by. Everything seemed to speed up and he still had no idea what he was going to do when he got to Mitch’s.

Kirstie hadn’t really said much when she'd shown up for his class. She probably didn’t want to get involved.

The problem with that was that he kind of needed a second opinion.

He couldn’t talk to Zac again, because he was always one to tell him to just follow his own heart. That really wasn’t much help. His heart had led him into too many painful situations and he didn’t trust it to not misguide him.

He CLEARLY couldn’t talk to Mitch…

No one else knew he was gay except Angel - who was SOOO out of the question- and...


He knew Zac was out for a callback of some sort, so he invited the girl over for dinner.

It took some coaxing, but she eventually agreed… as long as he promised not to cook.

She hitched a ride with Scott back to his apartment once their classes were over. She got her shower first and changed, thankful she always kept a clean set of clothes in her dance bag. Scott ordered pizza and then went into the bathroom to go take his own. 

She watched TV for a bit, but she became bored with that quickly. She decided to snoop around his room a bit. She was absolutely too nosy for her own good, but she couldn’t help herself. He should have known not to leave her alone without some form of entertainment.

She looked all over his his closet... even under his bed. It was all spotless and organized.

She picked up his digital camera and smiled as she flipped through the pictures. A lot of the pictures were of the three of them. Some were of just her, quite a few were of Zac, a few of that Angel girl (who Kirstie wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes at), but ¾ of them were of Mitch.

She turned it off and put it back where she got it from. She sat on his bed, looking around.

C’mon, I know you have something interesting somewhere in this ad for Ikea. 

She turned to his nightstand and picked up the picture frame containing a pic of the three of them laying on the floor, piled on top of each other. Scott’s arm extended up out of the shot taking the picture.

She smiled as she remembered the moment clearly. She was so glad she’d met Scott. He fit into her and Mitch's little group with such ease like he’d always been there. She loved him to death and was so glad that he obviously cared about them too, but it didn’t stop her from worrying about him hurting Mitch. Of course, Mitch had already proven he was a danger to his own happiness, but Kirstie was still protective of him. Mitch was always a bit naive when it came to certain things. Well, more oblivious than naive, he tended to not want to see the bad things that were associated with guys he was interested in until it was too late.

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