Ch 18. Attack.

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Time passed as it tended to do, and as it did Scott seemed to relax more and more. The panic from his earlier episode seemed to have gone dormant. Although, he did seem to stand further away from Mitch in public than usual. That was ok. That he could deal with. When they had been grocery shopping earlier Scott had been fine standing as close to him as he pleased. He was probably just still dealing with aftermath and Mitch was sure it would pass.

And it did sooner than he could have hoped.

About 25 minutes into the movie his heart nearly leapt from his chest when long fingers crept over his own and interlocked. He looked over at Scott, only to find his eyes still focused on the screen ahead. Mitch gave his hand a little squeeze just because.

That's when he started to lose focus on the movie.

It was funny how Scott always seemed to be able to focus on a movie while Mitch could do nothing but think of him the entire time. He'd have to start watching movies by himself if he ever wanted to actually know what they were about.

Scott's thumb caressed the skin of his hand absentmindedly and it sent shivers down his spine. It caused his mind to return to that morning when Scott's fingers had been doing that to other things.

You are such a perv.

He suddenly wished that they hadn't agreed to go to dinner with Kirstie and Jeremy after the movie. He didn't know if he could make it through this movie, let alone dinner without throwing Scott onto a random table and having his way with him.

Calm yourself. You are not some mindless, sex-crazed animal.

He forced his eyes to watch the giant robot aliens on the screen, but a tiny pout graced his lips.

After the movie ended Kirstie, Scott and Jeremy could NOT stop talking about it. How amazing the effects had been, how great the action was, blah blah blah

On and on and on...

Mitch suddenly wished he'd paid more attention to the movie so he could at least feign interest in the conversation.

Once seated at the restaurant he figured he finally had to join in the conversation or they would start to notice his silence. Kirstie was sure to question why he was being so quiet and he didn't know what he would say if she asked what was on his mind!

Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about fu¢king Scott senseless right here on this table. How's the chicken?

The thought caused a random giggle to escape which got him a couple of funny looks. He used a funny scene from the movie as an excuse.

His mind began to wander again. He wondered if robot aliens had sex? How would that work!?

More giggles. This time the others ignored him as he stayed in his own little world, sipping his wine quietly.

Then he noticed something.

Jeremy seemed to be getting super comfy with Kirstie and Scott. He was already making plans with Scott to play some crazy sounding video game and Scott had been enthusiastic about agreeing. Kirstie, of course, invited herself to watch.

Now Jeremy was a nice guy and Mitch liked him a lot, but Kirstie and Scott were his. He could borrow Kirstie if that's where this was headed, but Mitch would not be made a wheel of any number. He was a naturally jealous person when it came to... pretty much everything...

Dancing... Clothing... Friends... Scott... .

This needed to be remedied immediately. So, he hopped right into the middle of the conversation and with only a tinge of effort Mitch was, once again, right in the center of attention.

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