Ch 42. This Scott

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A/N Just remember I love you.

and no - I don't have any excuses for him. 

Also sorry for the abundance of F bombs :/


Kirscomiche was back in full effect, except... not.  Things were slightly, different. 

Mitch wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. Scott was there with him, but something was off.  It was Scott, but not. 

Scott wasn’t the same Scott as before.  Maybe to the outside observer he was the same old Scott, but Mitch knew better. He knew Scott and this was definitely NOT his Scott. 

His Scott was shy and quiet around people he didn’t know very well. His Scott would RARELY hold his hand in public, let alone walk with his arm around his shoulders or waist, holding him close. HIS Scott would have NEVER just randomly kissed him out in public. 

There were a lot of new things about this Scott. This Scott wore amazing designer clothes that fit like a glove and made everyone and their brother practically break their necks looking at him. This Scott had superstar friends that called him every now and then to just talk or ask if he wanted to hang out. This Scott took almost as long to get ready in the morning as he did. 

This Scott rarely said I love you, and when he did it was only because Mitch had said it first. 

This Scott didn’t give in. This Scott would actually argue with him and put up a fight. 

This Scott would tell Mitch he was being absolutely ridiculous if he was. This Scott would tell Mitch he was acting childish if he was throwing a tantrum.  This Scott didn’t go out of his way just to make Mitch smile by doing even the silliest little things. 

In the rare moments that they cuddled, this Scott’s thumb didn’t caress his arm naturally as it always had. 

This Scott wasn't always smiling, and there was something different behind his eyes even when he did crack a smile. 

This Scott refused to just move right back in with him and was even looking at nearby single room apartments. This Scott still had yet to call him Baby, or Hon, or even refer to him as his boyfriend. 

The sex was electric, but even that was different.

Mitch had learned all of this in just 7 days. 

Things were sideways.  

This Scott was not the same as his Scott, and he wanted his Scott back. 


“I need to go to the mall…”  The blonde snuck a kiss to his cheek as he walked by to grab a bottle of water.

“I don’t wanna go to the mall. Let’s just stay here and chill today. We can watch Netflix or something.” 

“I need to get a new charger for my phone. Mine isn’t charging right anymore.” 


“C’mon, you love the mall.” 

“But, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you. We’ve been with Kirstie or Avi or out somewhere since you’ve been back and when we’re alone we just have sex.” 

“Like you’ve been complaining about the sex.” 

“I didn’t say I was, but I just wanted to kinda have you all to myself for a little while.” 

“It’ll only take an hour at most, then we can come back and do whatever you want, I promise.”

Mitch sighed. It wouldn’t be only an hour if they both went, because it just never worked that way. If Scott went by himself then maybe he’d get back faster. 

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