chapter 1

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andrew is in the picture above for reference


Here we go, I thought to myself as I were near the end of a plane ride to LA. My hometown quickly became boring as I grew up. Of course, there were parts of it I was going to miss, but that feeling of nostalgia will always be there for when I decided to visit or even return.

But for now, I needed a drastic change. So here I am, gliding above the west coast, watching as cars and buildings become closer and closer as I near the ground.

"Ma'am, were about to land. Please fasten your seat belt."

My thoughts were interrupted by the soothing voice of a flight attendant. Tightening my seat belt, I started to debate whether or not this was a good idea. I'll be okay, I needed this.

Before I left, I managed to get a job at one of the local Starbucks that is little ways from my apartment. Looking out of the window to calm my nerves, I notice the airport landing doc is very close now, and the closer we got, the more my heart started to race.

Once we landed, I quickly went to go get my luggage and call an Uber. The Uber arrived, as I was putting my luggage in the trunk, I found it more difficult than I had originally thought it would be. The driver came out of the vehicle and helped me with my luggage. I got a good look at his face. He looked about in his mid-twenties, had black rimmed glasses, and a scruffy beard that wasn't too long.

"Thanks," I muttered once we finished putting my luggage away and got back into the car.

"So, where we headed to?" He asked.

I gave him the name of my new apartment complex before buckling my seat belt

"Got it. By the way, the name's Andrew." He stated.

"Y/n. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Y/n," he said as he stopped at a red light. "Where are you coming from?" Andrew asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

I told him about where I used to live, he asked follow up questions every now and then which was comforting.

"Really? Is it nice there? I've been wanting to visit there for a while now, just never found the time." He confessed.

"It's alright I guess. The only really good thing about it is the scenery," I said with a small chuckle, hearing Andrew laugh along with me calmed me down.

"Yeah, I've heard that the architecture is appealing to the eye," Andrew and I continued to talk to each other until we reached my apartment. "Need help with your luggage?" Andrew asked.

"That would be great, thank you!" I said as he hopped out of the car to help you.


"Thank you for helping me, Andrew!" I said as I looked at him gratefully.

"Anytime! Is there a specific reason you moved out here?" He asked.

"Not really other than that I needed a change, y'know? When you're in a certain place for too long you see all that same thing to where it gets boring."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Do you know anyone out here?"

"Besides you, no," I said with a slight giggle. I went and sat on the couch that I had shipped here beforehand. I motioned Andrew to come sit with me. He hesitated but eventually came around and sat next to me. He went on his phone and canceled his shift on Uber so he couldn't take any more calls for the day.

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