chapter 2

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock beeping its way into my ears. "Shut up!" I say to the inanimate object while I slam it off with my fist. I roll out of bed and land on the floor with a loud thud. "OW!" I screamed as I hit the floor. I got up and looked in the mirror and my h/l hair is going in every direction, I have bags under my eyes, considering its 7 in the morning, and I usually sleep in till around 1:00 pm, so this is new for me.

Once, I'm done messing around and doing weird faces at myself, I start to actually get ready. I decide that I need to give off a good first impression so I take a shower and wash my hair and body. When I'm done I blow dry my hair, and put on a minimal amount of makeup because I'm lazy. I threw on a white tee shirt, some plain jeans, and some red Vans.


message: andrew

hey, im here B)

okie dokie


shut up lol
i'm coming out now



I grabbed a small green backpack and was out the door. On the side of the street, I saw Andrew leaning against the hood of his car on his phone. I walked up to him and looked up to him, making me crouch in front of him.

"Oh, Hey!" He said kind of surprised.

"Hello!" I said standing back up straight.

"Ready to get going?" He questioned.


"Alright, let's go!"

The car ride with Andrew was filled horrible karaoke sessions. Then all of a sudden f/s (favorite song) comes on. I started to sing loudly and Andrew stared at me in awe. "Am I really that bad?!" I say jokingly.

"That...was...AMAZING Y/N! I didn't know you could sing that well!"

"Oh, uh...thanks." I never was good at taking compliments so I turned a light shade of pink.


"I believe this is your stop miss," Andrew says in a fancy voice.

"I believe it is, kind sir," I say pretending to twirl a fake mustache. Andrew then goes to twirl his own mustache. "Okay, that's just not fair." Andrew laughs and says bye and that he'll chill at Starbucks a little before you are off. I thank him for the ride and hop out of the car and walk into my new job. Just breathe, everything will be fine I told myself as I walked through the doors and around the counter.

I go to grab my apron off of the hooks little ways from the front of the counters in the back room. Once I find the hook with my name on it, I look at the other names there. "Juliet, Craig, Kathryn, Joe, Mikey, Jamie, and Ryker. Hm, I like those names." I whisper to myself. I look around to see another girl walk around the counter towards me. She walks and grabs the apron that is under the name tag 'Kathryn'

"Hi there! You must be the newbie. I'm Kathryn!" she says as she sticks her hand out for me to shake, and I gladly accept it.

"I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you!" I say as I let go of her hand.

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