●Chapter 55 (END)●

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Y O U R   P O V

-2nd to last time skip of the book:(-

It has been a year since Ethan and I started dating, and it has had its ups and downs. Sometimes he would stay up all night recording videos and I would fall asleep alone. And sometimes I would have to work extra shifts at the shop and find him passed out on the couch, waiting for me to come home.

I'm so grateful that I had met Ethan, he's such a pure soul and can brighten up any room he walks into, and I love that about him. Ethan was helping Tyler move and insisted that I stay home with Poseidon. Poseidon has grown a lot, so he's a lot heavier.  He was laying on my lap as I ate some leftovers for lunch on the couch, scrolling through the various channels on the TV.

The door starts to unlock and Poseidon runs over. "Daddy's home!" I say as I watch Ethan crouch down the pet the dog. "You should call me that more often, babe," He says as he looks at me with a smirk on his face. "You look really slappable right now," I say jokingly. "Abort! Abort!" He says as he pretends to run away, soon walking back out to the living room and sitting by me, laying his head in my lap.

I play with his hair. "Wanna go on a picnic tonight?" He asks as he looks up at me. "Sure, what time?" I say as I look down at him as well. "Maybe 8?" He says. I nod in agreement and look back at the TV.

-the last time skip:,(-

"It's gonna be chilly! Dress warmly!" I hear Ethan shout from outside the bedroom door. I grab a jacket and walk out of the room. "Ready?" He asks. "Yep!" I say as I link arms with him. We pet Poseidon goodbye as I grab the basket and Ethan grabs 2 blankets.

We walk out the door and get into his car an drive off. We go down an unfamiliar road and I look at Ethan. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Somewhere," He says nonchalantly. "I swear to god if you kill me while we're out here," I say making him laugh.

We stop and we are at the top of a hill. Ethan starts to get out of the car and I do the same. We grab the blankets and place one on the ground. we sit down and Ethan wraps the other blanket around us.

"Wanna know why I brought you up here?" He asks. "You already said it wasn't to kill me, and I hope it stays that way," I say as I look at the view of Los Angeles in front of us.

"It's definitely not to kill you. When I first moved to Los Angeles, Mark brought me up here. He told me that if I ever found someone special, someone, that I truly loved, to bring them up here. I truly love you, Y/n," Ethan says looking down at me.

My eyes started watering as I looked at him, his eyes have the same reaction. "That's why after I finished helping Tyler move, I went out," He says as he shuffles a bit and sits in front of me. "You are so special to me Y/n, I can't remember anything about my life before you were in it. You took up my entire headspace in the best way possible. Every morning I wake up to the same beautiful face I have loved for so long. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you," He finishes and we were both sobbing messes. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box.

"Be mine? Forever?" He asks tears welling up in his eyes as he sniffles and opens the box, revealing a small diamond ring. Nothing too extravagant since he knew I loved simple things. I couldn't think of words to say so hug him and quickly nod into his shoulder. He exhales in relief and hugs me back very tightly and he tries to hold back tears.

"I can't believe you said yes," He says laughing a bit. "You fit in my arms so well...

it's almost like you were,

made for me,"



A/n Well! That's the official ending! I might do some small special chapters but as of right now this is it! This has been an amazing journey writing this and I can't wait to start writing/publishing my other books! ABDGUIWLH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BOOK IS OVER! WOW! I love every one of you so much and I am BEYOND grateful you have stuck this far. Thank you o-so much for even giving this book a chance in the first place, I LOVE YOU!

ALSO! Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it! I'm thankful for all of you, for giving this book a chance whether you've been here since December of last year or you started this book last week, I want to thank you. If you are going to go Black Friday shopping please remember to be careful, I don't want any of you getting hurt.

I love you all

Until my next book


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