●Chapter 12●

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(Sorry for this chapter being so short schools being a bitch)

Marks POV (OoF that's a change)

"Hey Amy, Ethan invited us over for dinner to look at his place. Be ready by 5 okay?" I ask my beautiful girlfriend. "Okay!" she says from her room. I walk over to Tyler's room (pretend they're roommates) and knock on his door. "Hey Tyler, Ethan invited us to his place to check it out and have dinner. Be ready by 5?" I ask, "Yeah, sure thing," He says from Inside his room. I grab my phone and text Kathryn:



FischBitch: Hey Ethan invited us over to his apartment to have dinner and check it out. We're leaving at 5 so if you wanna go get here at like 4:30?

I send the message and get a reply rather quickly

KittyKat: That would be fun! I'll be there at 4:30 for sure! Thanks for letting me know!

FischBitch: Anytime! See you soon

KittyKat: See you soon!

I go to the home screen and look at the time, '1 o'clock' I think to myself as I walk into the kitchen. I don't have much to do so I go and take a shower.

-Mark shower stuff (he takes long showers so let's say it's 3 o'clock now, yes two-hour shower)-

I get out of the shower and head into my room. I get into a plain black t-shirt with a white pocket, some black skinny jeans, and red shoes. I go and sit in the Living Room and go onto Twitter. I see Ethan tweeted: "The move went awesome! Thank you to everyone for the kind messages and to @Y/n_L/n for helping me with everything!" "I like how they're getting along," I say as I like the tweet. "Like how who's getting along?" I look up and see Amy in a long sleeve black dress that goes down to her mid thighs. "Y/n and Ethan, I'm just happy that he won't be completely alone in his new apartment," I say as Amy sits down next to me on the couch. "I'm glad they're getting along, too," Amy says as she grabs the remote from the coffee table and turns on a movie. I don't pay much attention to the title and just start watching the movie.

-Time skip to when Kathryn comes-

*DING DONG* I hear the doorbell ring and walk over to the door. I open it and find Kathryn standing there with a small purse. "Hey! Come on in!" I say in a welcoming tone. "Hey, Amy!" Kathryn says as she walks into the kitchen to set her purse down on the kitchen table. "Hey Kathryn," Amy says as she gets up to hug her. Tyler comes and walks down the stairs and notices Kathryn and Amy hugging. "Hey Kathryn," he says as he walks past them and into the kitchen. He grabs a water bottle and goes and sits at the table. I look at the clock and see it's 4:39. "Hey wanna get going? It'll take us a little bit to get there," I say as I grab a water from the kitchen and take a dip of it. "Sure Amy and Kathryn say in unison. "That was creepy..." Tyler says as he gets up and slowly backs away, jokingly of course. "Alright, Let's go!" I say as I bolt to the door. "LAST ONE THERE IS A LOSER!" I say as I take off. "NO FAIR!" I hear Tyler yell as he runs behind me.

Amy's POV

The two 'grown' men take off to the car. "Well, I still need to lock up the house so, wanna both be losers?" I say to Kathryn, laughing a little at the end. "Sure thing!" she says as she watches me lock the door. I finish and we walk back to the car. "Did you see what Ethan tweeted?" I ask Kathryn as we walk down some stairs. "Yeah, I'm happy he's not going to be alone there," She says as we get closer to the car. "Yeah me, too," I say as I open the car door. "LOSERS!!" I hear mark and Tyler scream as we get into the car. "Yeah, but I'm your loser," I say as I look at Mark. "Smooth," I hear Kathryn whisper to me as Mark looks back at me. I put a smile on my face and he turns back around. "Let's go!" I say as Mark starts to drive.

"Mark, do you know where you're going," I ask, seeing if Ethan has sent him the address. "Yeah, I can sense Ethan's presence from any distance! So I can know exactly where he is!" he says as we get to a stop sign. "Ethan sent him the address," Tyler says, earning a jokingly aggravated glare from Mark.

-Time skip to parking in front of the Apartment building-

We park the car and look around to find D0804. "There it is!" Kathryn says as she points to the left of where we parked. We walk over and ring the doorbell.

A/n I just pulled this story out of my anus because I had nothing prepared and my wifi went down in the middle of writing this wowza. Schools being annoying and my grades are dropping A LOT. I got a test back and got a 6% on it. A 6% ON THAT MATH TEST! OoF it's been rough but I hope you all have had an amazing time so far and it's already FeBrUaRy! THIS YEAR IS GOING BY SO FAST DUDE! Anyways Love you all stay icy bye<3 (Just realized how much that sounds like Ethan's outro I didn't mean for that to happen oh well)

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