●Chapter 49●

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I wake up and look at my phone to check the time. I groan as the bright screen blinds me a bit. I let my eyes adjust and finally see the time. '2:39 am' It reads as I get up. I look next to me and see a furball. I try and stay quiet. I got startled a bit when Poseidon violently sneezed, but luckily not waking up. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen to get something to drink, not bothering to shut the door.

My throat was unusually dry, probably because of how I woke up out of nowhere. I grabbed a glass and poured some water and drank it. The water was ice cold, making me shiver. 'I didn't see Ethan? I wanted him to lay down with me,' I think, a sad expression plastered on my face.

I wash the glass and placed it into the strainer. I walk back towards my room but stop in front of my door to look at Ethan's. I start to unconsciously walk towards his room, opening the door slowly. The room was dark, probably because he was sleeping. Knowing the room quite well, from the night I was surprising Ethan, I got to get used to the surroundings in the dark since we had to keep the light off, I walked over to the opposite side of the bed, careful not to make a sound to wake him. I crawl into the bed and pull myself under the covers.

It wasn't long until I felt shifting beside me. I got scared that I had woken him up, so I faced my back towards where he lies. I felt more shifting and started to feel bad because I was sure that I had woken him up. "Y/n?" I hear in a groggy morning voice from the figure behind me. I decide not to move but still answer. "Sorry for waking you, Ethan. I didn't mea-"

"Shhhhhhh, it's fine, just go back to sleep," He says as he snuggles up against my back, weaving his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. I can feel his bare chest against my back, only the cloth of my t-shirt blocking the contact. (I had such a hard time finding words for that sentence lol) He rests his head in the crook of my neck. I don't know if he changed while I was in the hospital, but he seems a lot more loving towards me, and a lot happier. I shrug that thought off and start to go back to bed. "Goodnight, Y/n, love you," I hear Ethan whisper in my ear. "Goodnight, Ethan, I love you more," I whisper back. "Still not possible," I hear him faintly say. I could barely hear it and his mouth is right by my ear.

I really do love Ethan

E T H A N ' S P O V

I really do love Y/n. Can't wait to make her mine.

A/n sorry this is so short!


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