●Chapter 6●

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Your POV

-Time skip to when you are done packing all of the boxes-

"So, why did you choose to move?" I ask Ethan, trying to spark a conversation as I finish taping down the lids of the last box. "Just wanted to explore a bit more, I guess. I've only really ever lived here with Mark and in Maine. And I feel like it's time that I 'Leave-the-nest' if that's what you would want to call it." He says as he puts air quotes around 'Leaving-the-nest.' "Where are you moving to?" I ask as I put away the tape. "Why you wanna stalk me?" He questions as a joke. "No just curious," I retort, "Blackwood Pines Apartments," Ethan says as he sits on his bed. (Slight Until Dawn reference) "No way! That's where I live!" I say as I look up at him. "Awesome! Let's go see what the others are up to," He says as he motions me to go downstairs with him, and I follow. We walk back downstairs to see everyone on the couch watching a movie. "Hey, guys!" Ethan says as he goes into the kitchen. I go and sit on the smaller couch that's next to the one everyone else is on. Mark, Amy, Kathryn, and Tyler are all sitting on the four-person couch while I go to sit on the 3 person couch. Ethan comes out of the kitchen with three bowls of popcorn. He passes one to Tyler and Kathryn, one to Mark and Amy, and he sits down next to me and puts the bowl between us. "Want some?" he asks as she pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth. "Sure," I say as I grab a small handful. I start the to watch the movie and I am completely confused. From what I've seen, it looks like a mixture of a cheesy horror movie and Mean Girls. I didn't ask questions though.

-30-minute time skip(the movie is ¾ done)-

I started to get really cold. I took off my flannel jacket thing (reminder: you are wearing the 2nd outfit from Amy's "Fashion Show") and started to use it as a blanket. Ethan must have taken notice because he got up, went into the hall, and came back with blankets and pillows. "What's all that for?" I asked him as he set everything down on the floor in front of him and I. "Let's make a fort for the rest of the movie!" he exclaimed quietly to me so he wouldn't bother the others watching the movie. "I'm down!" I say as I start to grab some blankets. Ethan runs into the kitchen to grab some chairs. He comes back, one chair in each hand. He drops them off as I start to hang the blankets off of the backs of the chairs. He comes back with two more, sets them down, then starts to help me build. We did four corners, one chair in each corner, with the blanket on top and three other blankets to have drape down the sides, beside the side that we would watch the movie though. We put one blanket as the 'mattress' of the fort, since their floor is hardwood, then we used the other blanket to keep us warm. Ethan went and grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen and put a blue cup over the top, to make the fort a blue colour. "This is awesome!" I whisper scream as I look at Ethan. "It really does!" Ethan says as he raises his hand to high five him, which I gladly accept. By the time we look back at the tv the credits are already rolling. Tyler turns back on the lights and put his now empty bowl into the sink. Kathryn is asleep along with Amy and Mark. I get up from the fort, put back on the jacket, and walk into the kitchen. "How ya been, Tyler?" I ask as I sit on the counter since the chairs are all gone. "Been good, how about you, Y/n?" he asks as he pours a glass of water. "I've been good, man," I say as I see Ethan walk into the kitchen. "Should we wake the others up?" Ethan asks Tyler as he walks over to sit on the counter across from me. "Uh, It's 7:19 right now, is there anything else you guys know that they had planned?" Tyler asks as he takes a sip of his water. "Not that I know of," Ethan says while looking back at Tyler. "I don't know either," I say as I get off of the counter to get my phone out of Amy's room. I grab my phone and head back down the stairs to find a blanket being thrown on top of me. "HEY!!" I say as I struggle to get it off. I then feel something behind me and, like the clutz I am, fall over it. Expecting to meet the cold, hardwood floor. I don't feel it. Instead, I just feel a pair of arms supporting my back and keeping me from falling. I open my eyes, not being able to see anything with the blanket still covering my view. "Shhhhh, you're gonna wake everyone up." someone says in a hushed voice. "Too late." I hear a sleepy Amy say. The person slowly lifted me from their grasp and planted me back on my feet. They took the blanket off of me and my vision came to see Tyler. (I feel like people were expecting that to be Ethan lol. PLOT TWIST!) He threw the blanket back onto the couch. I headed into the kitchen to see Ethan eating cereal. I walk over and sit on the counter across from the one he is leaning against. Amy and Tyler soon come into the kitchen. "It's 7:30. Do you wanna wake up Mark and Kathryn at 8:00?" Tyler asks as he sips from his water once more. "Sure," Ethan says through a mouthful of cereal, resulting in some falling onto the floor.

"Good job Ethan," I say as I pass him a paper towel that was behind me. "Thanks, I try," He says as he cleans up his mess. We all continued talking until we heard something from the other room.

A/n this was rushed and I said I would have a chapter out today and I didn't have time to finish but I guess this is a filler chapter then. Anyways, Love you all stay icy

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