●Chapter 15●

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Your POV

we finished eating and all went over to the couch. I got really cold and decided to go and get some clothes from my house. "Hey, where did my clothes go that I was wearing last night? and why was I with Amy in the guest room?" I ask as I look around. "Oh yeah, after the whole phone mishap, you decided to strip because you said it was hot. I rushed you into Ethan's room and grabbed you a shirt to put back on since your other clothes were still in the living room. That's why you're wearing Ethan's shirt and I don't know where your clothes went. and Amy insisted on sleeping with you because Ethan and I were in the same bed already and Kathryn and Tyler were already on the couch so there were no real other places to sleep. Besides, you guys are really good friends now so she knew you wouldn't mind," Mark explains. "I put your clothes in the guest room before we all went to sleep, check there maybe?" Kathryn says. "Okay, thanks," I say and walk into the guest room.

I found the shorts and tank top I was wearing along with the cardigan all on the floor scattered about. I pick all of them up and walk out. "I'm gonna go take a shower and try and sober up. I'll come back when I'm done. I walk out with my clothes, still wearing Ethan's shirt. I go and put everything in the clothes hamper along with Ethan's shirt. 'I'll just wash it for him' I think to myself. I get into the shower and start to sober up with the water hitting my skin.

-Time skip to being done with your shower-

I hop out of the shower and put on my favorite pair of jeans, a plain red tee shirt, some white converse and a black baseball cap facing forwards. I walk back over to Ethan's place and knock on the door."BE THERE IN A SECOND!" I hear Ethan scream. from inside. I hear some rustling around then the door opens to reveal a shirtless Ethan with a towel around his waist and soaking wet hair. "Sorry, everyone left and I wanted to take a shower before we go out." He explains. "Oh it's fine," I say reassuringly. "Here come in," he moves out of the way for me to enter. "Thank you, and nice six-pack by the way," I say as I pat his chest and walk past him and sit on the couch. he stands there for a little bit before closing the door and speedwalking into his room with a visible blush across his cheeks.


I was in the middle of washing conditioner out of my hair when I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was Mark because he's forgetful so he probably forgot something. "BE THERE IN A SECOND!" I scream as I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist. I start to walk to the door. 'Mark and I are close enough friends now so he would mind me being shirtless in fro-' My thoughts stop when I open the door and see Y/n. I blank for a second then start to speak. "Sorry, everyone left and I wanted to take a shower before we go out," I explain. "Oh it's fine," She says with a friendly smile. "Here come in," I say as I move out of the way. "Thank you, and nice six-pack by the way," she says as she pats my naked chest. that made me blush HARDCORE. she walks past me and to the couch. I quickly rush into my room and close the door. I go to my dresser and see the wooden box with the gold rim on my dresser. 'God, I hope she didn't look inside that,' I think to myself as I go to grab a shirt. 'she complimented my muscles, so might as well show them off more,' i think as I grab my '#TURNT' muscle shirt:

 'she complimented my muscles, so might as well show them off more,' i think as I grab my '#TURNT' muscle shirt:

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