●Chapter 9●

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(Lots of POV changes in this chapter, fair warning. Anyways, CONTINUE!)

Andrew's POV

'SHOOT IT'S ALREADY 7:30!!' I think to myself as I hurry to get my shoes on. I remembered that I needed to help Ethan move but I almost forgot that I had to pick up Y/n also since she doesn't know where his new place is, and neither do I. I walk out the door get into my car. I remembered Y/n gave me her address before, so started to head over to her house.

-Time skip to Andrew getting to your house-

I knocked on Y/n's door and it opened about 15 seconds later. I see her wearing some really nice clothes. "I really like your shirt!" I say as I see her grab her keys off of a table. "Thanks!" She says as she walks back towards me. She comes outside and locks the door. We walk out to my car and get inside. On our way to Ethan's place, we jamming out to different songs. Eventually, Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan came on and we sang, or rather screamed, all of the lyrics. "LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!" Y/n sang loudly, "TO DEFEAT, THE HUNS!" I sang back. It continued to go along like that until we had to end the song halfway because we got to Ethan's house. I opened up the door and walked over to Y/n's side of the car and opened up her door. "Why thank you, sir," she says with a posh accent. "Anytime, m'lady." (slight JacksFilms reference) We step outside and knock on the door.


This place seemed really familiar. I don't know why but it's familiar. Oh well. The door opens to reveal a black haired man that I have definitely seen before. 'Hey, is Ethan here?" Andrew says as we stand in the doorway. "Yeah, OH! Hey Y/n! Did you forget something?" Mark asks as he welcomes us inside. "No, I'm here to help Ethan move," I say as I walk inside and see Amy and Kathryn playing Mario Kart on the couch. "Oh, I didn't know you were the one helping him along with Andrew," Mark says as he goes and sits next to Amy on the couch. I sit on the 2 seaters next to Andrew. Soon enough, Ethan comes down the stairs. "Hey, Andrew! Ready to get going?" He says to Andrew not noticing me, presumably because Andrew stood up to meet Andrew at the bottom of the stairs. They both walked into the kitchen for who knows why. "YES SUCK IT AMY!" Kathryn screams out of victory after beating Amy on Rainbow Road. I burst out laughing on the floor. "Yeah, yeah," Amy says as she tries to calm Kathryn down.

Ethan's POV

I recognized that laugh. It was so bubbly and happy and it made me smile. It gave me this warm feeling inside. I looked around the corner into the living room and saw Y/n on the floor laughing really hard. I laughed a little to myself and walked back to the over to where Andrew was in the kitchen. "Hey, do you know Y/n?" I ask him as he finishes pouring his glass of water. He takes a sip and answers my question. "Yeah, she's the one who I told you is helping us move you out," He says as he takes another sip of his water. "Oh okay," I say as Andrew and I walk back into the living room, Y/n has adjusted herself back into the chair from her spot on the floor where she was where she was laughing hysterically. "Ready Y/n?" Andrew says as he walks over to her. I stay a little ways behind Andrew and give a little wave towards Y/n. She smiles at me as a response. "Yeah!" She says as she stands up.

I lead them into my room where all of the boxes are. We all grab 2 and start to head over to Andrews truck. (Did I mention that Andrew drives a truck? Don't know how accurate that is IRL but he does so now you know that lol) We load about 8 boxes into the back of Andrews truck and 2 boxes into the backseat of the truck. Next we started to load up my car, but since I only have a Toyota Corolla, we could only fit 3 boxed in the back and 2 medium sized boxes in the passenger seat. "Okay, Andrew, you still need my address, right?" I ask as we walk back into the house to get waters for everyone. "Yeah," Andrew says as he gets out glasses for everyone. "Wait, Ethan, didn't you say that you were moving into Blackwood Pines Apartments?" Y/n says as she gets out the water canister. "Oh yeah, I forgot we are going to live near each other!" I say as I grab my glass off of the counter. 'I didn't forget,' I think to myself as I take a sip of water. "I hope we live close to each other, so I at least know someone in the complexes," I say as I go and sit on the countertop. "Yeah, I'm not really that much of 'Friends' with anyone else in the complex, so It'll be nice to know someone," she says as she sits on the countertop across from me. "Wanna get going?" Andrew asks as he finishes up his glass of water and places it into the sink. "Sure!" Y/n says as she places her glass in the sink as well. I do the same and we all head out into our cars. "Bye guys!" I scream from the front door as I leave my old home.

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