▪️Chapter 11▪️

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{please read A/n at the bottom:) hope you enjoy and have a great rest of your day/night:)}

{Reminder: He starts to lean in and...}

Your POV

Of course right in that moment I remembered that we were making cookies, but this felt so right? Oh well. Ethan ends up getting really close to my face. His lips were floating right above mine, "We still have to make cookies," I whisper as I look him in the eyes. "Oh...right," he says as he gets up off of me and lets go of my wrists.

Ethans POV

'She's so pretty, I could kiss her right here right now, with me being on top of her, and her hands above her head, unable to move because of my hands, it's the perfect scenario-' My thoughts were interrupted by Y/n's beautiful voice, in a hushed whisper. "We still have to make cookies," She says. "Oh...right," I say as I get up and let go of her wrists. She walks away as if nothing ever happened. That kind of hurt me. Maybe she doesn't like me? Do I like her? I don't know anymore. We walk back into the kitchen and make the cookies, still covered in flour.

-Mini time skip to the cookies being done brought to you by the song Blue in Heathers The Musical-

Once we finished making the cookies and set them all out to cool on a cooling rack. Y/n went and put on a movie. "What are you putting in?" I ask as I go and sit onto the couch as she puts a movie into the DVD player. "I put in Pitch Perfect," she says as she sits next to me, "Sorry I haven't really gotten to the point where I have enough free time to go out and buy newer movies," She says apologetically. "No, it's fine," I say reassuring her. She gets up and gets the cookies onto a plate and brings them over to us on the couch. She sits next to me on the couch, but not right next to me. "Cookies should be cooled down by now," she says as she sets the cookie plate down on the coffee table. The movie started and I turned off the lamp that was next to me.
I noticed that every so often, Y/n would scoot a little bit closer to me. That made me smile a little bit because it showed that she wanted to be next to me, or I'm just imagining it and slowly going crazy. 'I'm going crazy probably,' I think to myself as I continue to watch the movie. I feel something resting on my shoulder, I look over and see that Y/n is leaning her head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and looked back over to watch the movie. The movie ended and the credits rolled up onto the screen. "That was a good movie. Good choice Y/n, " I say as i look back at her. She was asleep. 'What?! It's Only 11 am! Is she still tired?!' I think to myself as I look at her, creepily.

Your POV

As much as I liked watching movies, I always fall asleep in the middle of them. ALWAYS. I wake up from my dream and see I am laying on Ethans shoulder. I look up and see Ethan looking back at me. 'His eyes are really pretty,' I think to myself. "Wanna go unpack your house?" I ask as I get up from the awkward and unplanned staring contest that we just had. "Yeah, forgot I had to do that still," He says with a laugh. "Do I really need shoes? Were walking next door," He says as he stares down at where he took off his shoes. "No, not really. It's not like we're walking miles or anything. Were legitimately walking 5 feet from my doorstep." I say as I start to walk out after putting the cookies into the kitchen and turning off the TV.
There weren't as many boxes as I remembered. We started unpacking everything, starting with the kitchen stuff. We put away plates, bowls, silverware, cups, and other kitchen...things. Next we did the living room. What I love about Blackwood Pines Apartments is that your apartment already comes furnished. So he already had a couch, TV, bed, kitchen table, coffee table, and dresser. It was pretty cool. So Ethan really only brought decorations for everything. Ethan seemed to have a very nice black and white aesthetic theme going on with everything, honestly it was really nice to look at, since the apartment had white walls, dark hardwood floors, and a grey ceiling, it matched perfectly (imagine it). We went to the next boxes which were the boxes for his bedroom. We brought all of the boxes into his room so it would be easier to do everything.

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