●Chapter 28●

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E T H A N ' S P O V

I woke up at Y/n's place again, specifically in her bed again. I walk out of her room and walk down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Kathryn and me. I decided to make some toast and eggs. I grab some bread and some eggs out of the fridge. I set them on the counter and I notice a note there:

"Hey Ethan, I went out for a bit to help Mark with some things for videos. It shouldn't take long, hopefully, you don't mind. I mean you did offer to take care of the house on your own so I didn't think that you would mind at all. See ya later and don't lose Poseidon. - Kat" I say quietly to myself.

As if on queue, Poseidon comes running out of another room. He rushes over to where his food bowl usually is and I can see the look of disappointment on his face when there isn't any food there. "Alright, ya goof," I say as I grab the bowl and put some food in it. I grab Kathryn's egg since she isn't here to eat it, and put it into Poseidon's bowl.

I set it down and right as I pulled my hand away he started to eat it. I grab the bread and put it in the toaster. I take my egg off of the stove top and put the pan into the sink. I put the toast and egg on my plate and sat down at the table.

Once Poseidon was done he went over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me and started to beg for food. "No, I already gave you food," I say in a jokingly stern voice to the puppo. He gives me puppy dog eyes, literally, and I couldn't resist. "Fine, here," I say as I give him a little corner of my piece of toast.

He takes it gladly and chomps it down. I smile at the happy pup. I finish my breakfast and wash my plate in the sink. "Wanna go for a walk?" I ask the pup. he looks up at me excitedly and starts to run in circles out of excitement. (my dog does this whenever we feed her and it is the cutest thing in the world) "I'll take that as a yes," I say as I grab his collar and his leash.

I attach the leash and collar to him and we walk out the door. I make sure that I grab my keys, along with the house key, my wallet some poop bags, and the thing that would be horrible if I forgot...Poseidon.

I make my way down the steps and along the sidewalk. I walk over to the park where I sang 'Bet On It' to Y/n by the pond. I missed that day, we had so much fun that day. I sit down on a bench as Poseidon runs around in the grass, exploring. I watched him and see him sniffing his nose through the grass.

My phone started to buzz and I looked at who was calling me 'Y/n ❤' the caller ID read. I quickly answer it.

You= Bolded

Ethan= Unbolded



How have you been?

Good, you?

I've been good, too. I've been taking care of the place and of Poseidon. Are you still gonna be gone for a week?

Thank you for doing that, you didn't have to. We woke up early this morning to drive out to Salvation Mountain, so we're already here. then after we are done here we are going to drive home. So I should see you in like 5 to 6 hours.




I KNOW! Alright, I don't wanna be screaming at the mountain because that's kinda disrespectful. I'll talk to you later.

Okay, see you soon love you

Love you too

I hang up the phone and smile excitedly. Poseidon comes running over to me. "Y/n's coming home today!" I say to him. He started to jump around excitedly. Poseidon stops and lays on the grass tiredly. "Time to go home?" I ask, even though he can't respond. He looks tired so I decide not to have him walk any longer.

I pick up Poseidon and walk with him in my arms back to Y/n's apartment. It took a little bit but I eventually made it back to the apartment. I decide to watch some TV. I grab the remote and turn on Adventure Time. I sit back and watch the animations move swiftly off the screen. "10 am. Only a few episodes," I say to myself as I turn back to the TV.

Poseidon is on the floor and he looks uncomfortable. I pick him up and lay him on my lap. I lay down longways on the couch and have Poseidon laying on my stomach, on top of my betty button. (does that make sense?) I look towards the TV and pet Poseidon's fur. 'I get to see Y/n today' I think as I watch the show.

I slowly start to drift off to sleep and stop petting Poseidon. I try and fight against the sleepiness that I am feeling since I wanted to clean up a bit before Y/n gets back. I couldn't fight it any longer and let the darkness consume my eyes and sleep consume my body.

A/n This chapter seems really short for me and its over a thousand words??? Kinda confused because one-thousand words are (usually) the same length as my other chapters but this one just seems shorter. also if you couldn't tell, I had a bit of writers block and I decided to cut out the extra 4 days of the vacation because I didn't want to put out filler chapters that I am not proud of and I don't think you guys would like, so I just cut out all of those extra days, HOPE YA DON'T MIND! I'll be updating a lot more because of Spring Break so be ready, I'm probably going to write A TON so I have extra chapters to upload when school starts back up. okay enough with the little life update. Love you all stay icy bye<3

+Sorry for such a long A/n damn

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