•Chapter 36•

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So this is my last week of school which means I need to badly study for 5 finals( I have 6 classes but one of them is PE and we are just running a mile and a half, might die because I have a lung problem but let's hope that doesn't happen), But instead of studying, I'm updating! YAY PROCRASTINATION!!! anyways here's an update ;)


We pull up to f/ff/p and find a parking spot. We get out of the car and walk inside. "Hi, can we get two fo F/f (Favorite food from this place), one F/d and one lemonade, then a strawberry milkshake and a medium fry?" Amy asks as she looks at the lady on the other side of the counter. "Of course, anything else?" She asks. "Nope. that'll be it," Amy says as she gets out her card. "Alright, $17.46 is your total," The lady says as she takes Amy's card and swipes it down the screen.

She hands Amy back her card. "Here's your receipt, food should be out in a bit," The cashier lady says as she walking back into the kitchen. We wait a little bit. "So, tomorrows the big day!" Amy says as she nudges me. "Yeah, I don't know if I wanna do the bunny idea though, I just kinda wanna show up to the party and be like 'surprise'? Or just hide in his room and let him go in there at the end of the party while you guys videotape or something," I say as I look at Amy, I feel bad because she had this plan and I don't know if it will work out. "Ya know what? You are the reason he's going to be happy again, you decide how you want to surprise him, and I will do whatever it takes to help you," Amy says. "Thanks, Amy," I say as I hug her. "Anytime," "ORDER NUMBER 76, NUMBER 76" "That's us," Amy says as she breaks away from the hug.

"Thank you, have a good night!" I say as Amy and I grab the bags of food. "You, too!" She says as we walk out the doors. We walk back to the car and get inside. Okay. We're gonna get in the way we got out," Amy says looking at me. "Through the window?" I ask. "Through the window," Amy confirms.

We get back to the parking spot that we were in when we snuck out. "Shit, I forgot I have to go in a front door to give them the food, I'll text Mark and tell him to bring everyone into the kitchen when I brink in the food, and you can run in and go upstairs. IS that an okay plan?" Amy asks as she looks up Marks contact in her phone. "Let's be ninjas," I whisper to her with a devious smile.

"I just texted Mark," Amy says. Just at that moment Mays phone dings with Mark's reply saying, "Got it," on the bright screen. "I'm gonna go in, stay a little bit behind me," Amy says as she opens her door and hops out. She leans back into the car, "And if you think someone is about to see you, either run upstairs or run out of the door and hide in a bush or something," she says. "Okay," I say as she shuts the car door.

I hop out of the car as well and Amy locks the car. "Stay back maybe 10 seconds," Amy says as she starts walking away. I didn't want to scream and give away my position, so I just silently give her a thumbs up, before she walks up to the doorstep. I hear her faintly knock on the door, followed by Mark and Tyler saying hello and leading her into the house. I start to walk up to the door. I walk up and see everyone in the kitchen. I slowly open up the door a little more so I can slip in, and bolt up the stairs.

E T H A N ' S P O V

Amy showed up with the food that Tyler wanted. Everyone went into the kitchen for some reason, I joined because I really had nothing better to do. I could've sworn I heard someone go up the stairs though, but everyone is here in the kitchen 'Oh well,' I think as I look back at everyone. Mark took two of Tyler's fries and put them in his lips like walrus tusks. "Amy, wook at mwe! I'm a walwus!" Mark says as he looks at Amy with a goofy face on. Amy just lowers her head at him. and Tyler drinks his shake, amused from the scene before him.

"Hey, it's getting late. I'm gonna go head back to my place," I say as I get up from the chair I was sitting in and run my hand through my hair. "Alright, see you tomorrow?" Mark asks. "Yeah, sure, I might sleep in though, just a heads up," I say as I look back at him. "Alright," Mark says. "Have a nice night," I say as I walk to the door. I turn the knob and it's unlocked. 'Weird' I think. 'They usually lock the doors' I think as I open it and walk out.

I get into my car and start driving. I decide that I am hungry about halfway through the drive home. I pull up to a stoplight and look around me for any fast food places. I look to my right and see a Panda Express a little across the way. The light turns green and I merge into the right lane. I take a right turn into the parking lot in front of the Panda Express and park my car. I walk in and instantly get greeted with the smell of chow mein and egg rolls. I walk up to the counter and take my order.

-Time skip to paying-

The cashier threw a fortune cookie into my bag of food and waved me off. "Have a nice night!" She says to me."You too!" I say as I open the door and leave. I get into my car and put the bag of food into the passenger seat as I do the 2-minute commute back to my apartment.

I park my car and get out and walk up to my apartment. I unlock the door and see Poseidon sleeping on the couch. I don't want to wake him so I silently walk to the kitchen, make him a bowl of food, and set it down where he eats so when he wakes up it is there for him. I set my food down on the table and start to dig in.

-Time skip to when he is done eating-

I take my empty food container and place it in the bag. I see the fortune cookie and place it on the table as I go to throw away the bag. I get back to the table and grab the fortune cookie. I walk back to my room and put the cookie on the bedside table. I take off my jeans and my Shirt and turn on the bedside lamp. I turn off the bedroom light and crawl into bed. I take the cookie out of the wrapper and open it. I flip the passage over to read what it says.

"Have hope in what you want to happen, and it will become a reality"

'I hope Y/n is okay and happy, wherever she is'

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