●Chapter 24●

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(Lot's of phone calls be prepared. Also check out the A/n at the bottom, there might be buried treasure there!)

E T H A N ' S P O V

I rushed over to Mark's house to edit the video. That was a REALLY important video that they filed at vidcon with a whole lot of other YouTubers. (I know the times don't match up but just roll with it) So it HAD to be edited. I rushed inside and instantly went to the computer. "Glad you could make it on such short notice," Tyler says. I ignore him and put on the headphones and get right to editing. I felt bad for ignoring him but I needed to get this done.

T Y L E R ' S P O V

"Glad you could make it on such short notice," I say to Ethan, but he rushes past me and gets onto a computer. I don't blame him. He thinks that all of his hard work has been ruined and he now has to spend all night on it. I kinda feel bad for making him do this, but I need to know why Amy wanted me to do this. I leave the room all alone with a hardworking and stressed Ethan inside.

I walk into my room call Amy. It takes her a little while to pick up but eventually she does.

Amy: Bolded

Tyler: Unbolded


Hey, so care to explain the whole "delete edits on the video" thing that you made me do?

OH yeah, Can I call you back? When I'm in private?

Uhhh, sure. How long will that be?

Maybe like 15 minutes? 30 minutes at most.

Okay, I guess that's fine.

Okay, cool. And don't tell Ethan about this still! Please, It'll all make sense when I can explain.

Okay, I won't

Thank you!

No problem. Bye Amy.

Bye Ty!

Amy hung up the phone. Why can't she talk now?

A M Y ' S P O V

WHY IS TYLER CALLING ME I CAN'T TALK ABOUT THE PLAN INFRONT OF Y/N! Okay, Amy calm down. I answer the phone.

(same bolding)


Hey, so care to explain the whole "delete edits on the video" thing that you made me do?

OH yeah, Can I call you back? When I'm in private?

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