•Chapter 43•

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E T H A N ' S P O V

I can't believe that Y/n is back and that she is okay. I'm super tired from today. I'm laying down on a pile of pillows with Y/n in my arms. I missed her so much. Her hair, her hugs, her smile, her presence in general. I missed all of it, and now it's here, in my arms. "I love you," I say to her. "I love you more," she retaliates. "Heh, that's not possible," I say with a laugh. She laughs a bit as well. 'Oh how I've missed that laugh,' I think as I look down at her. I kiss her forehead and lay back down. she reaches up and kisses my cheek. I smile and hug her more as we both drift back off into a deep sleep, in each other's arms.

-Time Skip to the morning-

I woke up in the fort on top of the same pile of pillows that I fell asleep on. Y/n wasn't here though 'I just got her back! Where did she go?' I think as I look around the fort. I get up and look around the living room. 'She's not in here,' I think as I look at the ground, to make sure I'm not stepping on anything. 'Where is Tyler, and Mark and Amy?' I think again. 'No one is here?' I look around the room some more until I hear a sound from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see Mark making something on the stove and Tyler on his phone next to him. "Hey guys," I say in a groggy voice. My eyes are droopy and my hair is a mess but I have a huge smile on my face just because I know that Y/n is back in my life. speaking of Y/n; "Hey, where's Y/n and Amy?" I ask as I sit at my kitchen table. "Amy and Y/n went back to my place to get some of Y/n clothes Amy bought her from there. She has no point in hiding away anymore so she needs to find somewhere to stay since we technically didn't sign her on the lease for the apartment," Mark says. "Where is she gonna stay?" I ask, kind of worried. "We were all planning on helping her find a place," Tyler says.

T Y L E R ' S P O V

-A little before Ethan woke up-

"We have to find a way to get Ethan to let Y/n stay with him, there is no doubt that he wouldn't let her stay here, we just have to find a way for him to admit it," I say to mark as he focuses on the...what ever he's making. "Tell him we're kicking her out or something, just probably don't make it sound so harsh," Mark says as he looks at me. "Hey guys," I look up from my phone and see Ethan, he looks absolutely horrible, but he has a genuine smile on his face. He goes and sits at the table. "Hey, where's Y/n and Amy?" He asks. I look at Mark and he looks at me. I didn't know what to say and Mark could see that in my facial expression.

Mark quickly came up with a solution. "Amy and Y/n went back to my place to get some of Y/n clothes Amy bought her. She has no point in hiding away anymore so she needs to find somewhere to stay since we technically didn't sign her on the lease for the apartment," He says without hesitation, I was impressed. "Where is she gonna stay?" He asks worriedly. "We were all planning on helping her find a place," I say. "Oh um, do you think she would want to live here with me? I mean o-obviously I'll have to add her on the lease but that shouldn't be much of a problem. I-" "She would love that," Mark says smiling at him. Ethan's face went from worried to happy. "Breakfast is ready, I didn't know what you wanted but Tyler and I decided on pancakes?" Mark says. "That's perfect," Ethan says smiling.

I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. And to be honest, it's really refreshing to see him with a smile on his face. I grab a plate for Ethan and I and put 2 pancakes on each of our plates. mark does the same and we all sit down at the table. "Thanks, Tyler. Thanks, Mark," Ethan says as he grabs a fork. We all start to eat. I waited until it was all quiet to tell Ethan. "We all know that you like Y/n, Ethan. You should tell her,"I say. He looks up with a mouthful of pancake, "You guys know?" He asks, dumbfounded. "Yes, Ethan, we all know. Amy, Tyler, Kathryn, Pam, hell, I bet even Andrew knows and you haven't been talking to him NEARLY as much as you used to before Y/n came into town! You should ask her out," Mark says before taking a sip of water. "You think she'll say yes if I do ask her?" He asks as he looks back at both of us. By now we have all finished out pancakes and are just talking to each other.

"Ethan, the only person thinking that she won't say yes is you," I say. His face went from confusion to realization. As if he just realized that all of his doubts were in his head. "Ethan, we know that she likes you," Mark says cutting in. "I feel like it's all moving too fast. She just got back into my life, I'm asking her if she wants to move in with me, PLUS asking her out? What if..." Ethan pauses, clearly thinking of something. "I ask her to move in, and if she says yes...I'll think of a way to ask her out from there," he suggests. "Sounds like a plan, when you want help with asking her or ideas for that, we'll be open to help," Mark says as he gets up to put his dishes away. Ethan gets up and hugs Mark. He hugs me back and Ethan looks at me, giving me the 'get over here' look. I sigh with a smile and get up and walk over. I hug them and Ethan thanks us.

"Aw hell yeah group hugs," I hear Y/n scream as she runs towards us, joining the hug. I look at Ethan and instantly see him panic. "H-how long have you been here?" Ethan asks frantically. "Amy and I just walked in and I saw a group hug and now I'm here," she says as she pulls away with a smile. we all part away and Ethan is standing there slightly blushing from embarrassment. "So Y/n ready to try and find a place," Mark says, giving Ethan a hint to ask Y/n to move in with him.


"So Y/n ready to try and find a place," Mark asks. He told me while I was still hiding from Ethan that they were going to try and make a plan to get Ethan to ask me to move in with him. In the meantime, they told me to play along with a plan of 'you are getting a new apartment.' "Yep, let's go!" I say as hyper as I can to try and make it seem realistic. I start heading towards the door when I hear Tyler clear his voice then Ethan starts to speak. "Hey, Y/n?" I hear him say. I smile a small bit and turn around since the plan might go accordingly. "I-I was wondering, if maybe...youwouldwanttomoveinwithmeIunderstandifyoudon'twanttojustIthoughtthat-" (you would want to move in with me I understand if you don't want to I just thought that) "Ethan slow down," I hear Mark whisper as he nudges Ethan's arm. Ethan stops talking and I walk a bit closer to him. Ethan took a deep breath and asked again, this time slower. "Would you want to move in with me?" he asks a bit shy looking at the ground. I went up and hugged him without any words. He looked up from the ground and hugged back. "I would love to," I whisper in his ear. at that moment I heard and saw a camera flash go off, making Ethan and I jump then look towards the source of the flash. "Sorry guys; flash was on," Amy says apologetically.

We all laugh until Mark speaks up. "So, shall we get Y/n's things?" We all nod and walk out the door making sure to lock it. We all decide to take Mark's van and head to his place. Mark is driving, Tyler is in the passenger seat, Amy is sprawled out on the floor of the van like a starfish, and Ethan and I are sitting on a bed thing in the back...I really don't know what it is.

-Time skip to finishing unpacking everything back at Ethan's place-

"Thanks for all of the help guys!" I say as I look at the room. "I have an appointment to take chica to the groomers today, Tyler, wanna help?" Mark asks. "Yeah," he says as him and Mark walk out of the room. "I have some pottery clay that Is being delivered in a few minutes and I need to sign off for it so I have to be at my place, I gotta go as well, bye guys!" Amy says as she walks out as well. "Thank you so much, Ethan, for letting me stay here, It means so much," I say as I look at him. "Anytime," he says with a genuine smile on his face.

"We have to get me signed with the lease, I'm going to go down to the office and grab the lease papers; I'll be back in a bit okay?" I say as I motion towards the door. "Yeah okay!" he says as he looks back at me. "I'll be back!" I say as I walk out of the bedroom door.

A/n this chapter seemed very short and uneventful to me sorry about that

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