●Chapter 29●

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Amy and I decided to leave Slab City earlier than planned. We decided that on our way back from Salvation Mountain we would just be all packed up and leave once were done there. "Who were you talking to?" Amy asks as she looks away from the mountain and back at me. "I tried to call Kathryn to tell her that I will be home soon so she can leave but then he told me that Ethan was at my place and that she was helping Mark out," I saw Amy's face sadden a bit, so I tried to take her mind off of the topic. "So I called Ethan and he was really excited to see us again. he seemed to really miss us," I say walking up to her.

"Did he say he was happy to see us soon or happy to see you soon?" Amy asks. "Well, he said me but I know he meant us," I say looking up at the mountain. Beautiful colors were everywhere. "Wanna take a look around?" Amy asks. "Of course," I say as we begin to walk towards the opening of the mountain. (If you don't know what I am talking about: go watch Amy's video "Where Am I? A Drive to Slab City" Video on her channel "Planet Peebles" :) )

We walk inside and everything is breathtaking. "It' so pretty!" I say as I look at a wall with various carvings and colors on it. Time seemed to slow down as we walked through the magical place.

-Time Skip-

Take back what I said before, TIME WENT BY SO QUICKLY!!! By the time I looked at my watch, it was already 10 o'clock. "Ready for the long drive home?" Amy asks. "Yup," I say. "You drove here, let me drive back," I tell Amy as we walk back to the car. "Are you sure? I'm fine with driving again," Amy says. "I'm sure," I say as I grab the keys from her. I get into the car and Amy gets into the passenger side. "To the road we go!" I say as I pull out onto the street.

-Time Skip-

Were almost back to the warehouse. "Are you sure you're ready for this Amy?" I ask her. Amy decided that she wants to talk to Mark again. Kathryn was texting her throughout the trip about how much Mark regrets fighting with her and he just wants her to go back. "I'm sure, I want to see him happy, I never wanted to see him sad. And from what Kathryn said, he seems really sad. While we were at the hotel last night I watched his most recent video. He didn't seem like himself, he seemed broken," she says. "As long as your sure," I say.

"I'm gonna text Kathryn to tell her that we're 5 minutes away," Amy says. "Okay," I say as we stop at a red light. We wait for the other cars to go by until our light turns green. I press on the gas. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I hear Amy scream. "Huh?" I ask her. I feel something ram into my side. Then my vision goes black.

A/n hehehe cliffhanger hehehe
Happy April Fools day/Easter!💓

+ Sorry for this being short

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