●Chapter 3●

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-Time skip to Friday and you are working-

Your POV

"Quinn!" I yelled as I read out the name on a drink cup. "Thank you!" Said presumably, Quinn. "Thank you! Come again!" I said as she walked out. "Dang Y/n, the customers really seem to be liking you," Kathryn says as she washes out a blender to the sink next to me. "Yeah, I don't know why I was so nervous," I say while smiling at Kathryn. "Hey, Mark invited me to come over to help with fil- something and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? So you can meet him." Kathryn says to me with a hopeful smile on her face. "Sure! That sound like fun. What time should I start getting ready?" "Well, you're off at 3:00 and I'm off at 3:30 today so that should give you enough time to head home then I'll pick you up when I'm off," Kathryn said with a wide grin on her face. "Sounds like a plan!" I said as I had to wait another 2 hours until I was off, it being 1:00 right now (i can do math)

-Two agonizing hours later of you making drinks-

'3:00 IS HERE I CAN LEAVE' I said to myself as I was finishing up my last drink of the day. "Angela!" I yelled as I slid the caramel frappuccino towards her on the counter. "Thank you!" She said. "Thank you! Have a nice day!" I said as she grabbed her drink. "You, too!" She said as she turned around. I walked back to the back room to grab my bag. I walked back out and to hang up my apron. I walked over to where Kathryn is and tell her "Hey I'm going to my apartment now." "Okay, see ya in a bit." She responded. "Okay," I say with a smile. I head out to my car and unlock it and drive home. Once I got home, I took a shower, and make some muffins because why not? (I wanted muffins in real life lol) First I made some blueberry muffins(if you don't like blueberries or muffins you can change it) I searched up a recipe for a mug muffin(is that what it's called?) that I could make in the microwave because I don't wanna make them in the oven. I also decided to make Kathryn and Mark one. I figured I've never met this Mark guy so I don't know what he likes so I'll make it when Kathryn comes here. I prepare everything for the batter before I get into the shower. Once l lay out everything I need for the batter, then went to go into the shower. I got the shower to my desired temperature and stepped in. I washed my h/l hair and washed my body.

Once I got out of the shower, I headed into my room and changed into some casual clothing

So I wasn't too dressy for meeting someone but also so it didn't look like I didn't care about meeting him

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So I wasn't too dressy for meeting someone but also so it didn't look like I didn't care about meeting him. Once I got changed I headed back downstairs and started making the muffins. Once I finished the batter, I put it in the mug then into the microwave for 2 minutes (I actually did research on how long to cook it lol) I looked at the clock and noticed it was 3:20, so I went and blow dried my h/c hair so I wasn't getting water all over Marks house. When I walked back out, The muffin was done so I took it out, grabbed a fork/spoon to eat with. Right when I was about to take a bite, the doorbell rang. I groaned out of annoyance and walked to the door, to see Kathryn standing there with a smile on her lips. "Hey!" she said giddily. "Hi!" I say with the same amount of energy she has. "I was just about to make you a muffin," I say as I move out of the way so she can walk in. "I'm down for a muffin." She says as she walks in. "Welcome to my home! It's not much but what can you do?" I say as she walks behind me to the kitchen. I made her batter, put it into the mug, then put it in the microwave for two minutes. "Hey, Kathryn? Do you think Mark would want a muffin?" I say as I was about to put away the flour. "Yeah, I think he'd like that," She says with a smile like she appreciates the thought. "Okay, I'll make him one. Does he like blueberry?" I ask before I add in the actual blueberries. "Yeah, He loves blueberries! So it's actually perfect." She says as the timer on the microwave beeped, signaling Kathryn's muffin was ready. I pulled it out and handed her her mug as I put in Marks. "So what are we doing when we get to Marks house?" I ask as I turn back around to see Kathryn. "I don't really know he might work but his girlfriend is really nice and I wanted her to meet you." She says as the timer for the microwave went off.

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