●Chapter 23●

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Y O U R   P O V

I woke up to Amy, Ethan and I all asleep on the floor with Poseidon cuddling up against Ethan. He really seems to like Ethan. I knew I had a hangover, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I made everyone some breakfast. Just some eggs and toast, nothing too fancy. Amy soon woke up and walked into the kitchen. "Wana go on a road trip? Just ta, ya know, get away from things?" She asked as she grabbed an egg and cracked into another pan, helping me make breakfast.

"I have to work today, But maybe after I get home? Where would we go?" I ask as I scramble some of the eggs, but not all of them. "Slab city, I've always wanted to go there, But I was always too scared of leaving Mark," She says looking down sadly at the mention of him.

"Sureeeeee! How long would we be gone?" I ask as I set some bacon and eggs on a plate and hand it to Amy with a fork. "Not that long. Maybe one or two days? A week at most," She says as She takes a piece of bacon and eats a piece off. "Okay, I can try and request the days off once we figure out how long we'll be away, I also haven't uploaded in a while so maybe I can vlog the trip? If you don't mind of course," I say as I look at her with a smile. "That would be awesome! So we always have the trip to look back on," she says as she smiles back at me.

"The Blueberry's awake," I hear Amy say. I turn around and see a sleepy Ethan walking into the kitchen. I turn back around to place some eggs and some pieces of bacon onto a plate and hand it to him. He takes it but doesn't eat it. he just stands there, until he sets the plate on the counter and walks towards me and hugs me.

"D'aawwwwwwww," I hear Amy say as I turn away from the stove to hug Ethan back. "Are you not hungry?" I whisper to Ethan. "I am, I just wanted to give you a 'good morning' hug because you do so much and you deserve one," He says as he lets go of me and places his hands onto my shoulders. "Thanks, Ethan," I say as I smile at him. I smell something burning and I turn around to see 2 pieces of bacon were burning.

"Shit," I say as I turn around to get the pieces of bacon off of the pan. I decide to put some food into Poseidon's bowl and crush some of the somewhat burnt somewhat decent bacon and put it into his food bowl. I hear Poseidon rush into the kitchen and sit down waiting for his food bowl. I set down the food bowl and walk over to the stove to put some more bacon into the pan.

I turn around and see Ethan cooking some more bacon in the pan to make up for the bacon that I had burnt. "Thanks, Ethan. I can take it from here," I say as I try and grab the spatula from him. He pulls his hand away and smirks at me. "Tsk tsk tsk, I am making you breakfast since you made me some!" He says as he shoos me away. "Go sit on the couch and watch tv, I'm making you breakfast whether you like it or not," He says as he cracks an egg in a separate pan from the bacon.

I walk over to the couch and turn on Adventure Time. A little while later, Ethan walks out into the living room with a plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast. "Ethan, that's unfair! I only made you eggs and bacon, you gave me toast also... I'm making you toast now," I say as I get up from the couch. "No, you're not," Ethan says as he pulls me back onto the couch. He sits me down then lays his head on my legs to prevent me from moving.

I give up on trying to get out from under him and eat a piece of toast. I look down at Ethan and put some bacon into his mouth. He laughs as he chews the bacon and I eat the rest of that piece. I finish the rest of my food and set the plate next to the lamp on the couch side table.

I come through Ethan's hair as Poseidon jumps onto the couch and lays on top of Ethan's chest. "Hey, Ethan? Where did Amy go? Last time I saw her she was at the kitchen table eating," I say as look around a bit, trying not to move Ethan's head too much. "I think she went into the bathroom," Ethan says. "Oh Okay," I say back as we continue to watch Adventure Time.

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