●Chapter 4●

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(Photo credit to @dailyblue.crankycrew on insta. Honestly love their posts sm)

Ethan's POV (oof that's different)

I wasn't aware that someone was coming over, so that was a huge surprise to see Y/n, I had that brief conversation with her and she seems really nice and shes kinda cute? I can't catch feelings though, WE JUST MET! I get to the bottom of the stair and see Mark and Tyler talking to each other in the kitchen. When I walked in, they both stared at me with slight smirks. "What?" I asked. They exchanged glances then looked back at me, still without an answer. "What?!" I say, now getting kind of annoyed. "We heard your small conversation with Y/n that you had," Mark says smirking. "Okay, so?" "You were stuttering," Tyler says while walking around my, tauntingly. "O-Okay, I still don't see your point," I say. "And you're blushing." mark says, following in the actions that Tylers doing. "What does t-that have to do with anything?" I say as I cross my arms. I feel some more blush creep onto my cheeks. "SEE HE'S BLUSHING MORE!" Tyler screams. "I came down here to get an apple!" I say as I walk over to the fridge and pull out an apple and take a bite as I walk back to my room. I start to walk back up the stairs when I hear mark whisper, "He definitely likes her." "I do not, we just met!" I say, stopping on the stairs, but still facing forwards. I walk back up to my room and sigh and look at the little bit of more things I have to pack. 'I can't possibly like her, WE JUST MET!' I thought to myself. All I know is that I AM NOT CATCHING FEELINGS THAT EASILY. I have to stay away from her I guess...

Your POV

I changed into a pair of black jeans that are ripped at the knees, with a white tank top type of shirt with buts in the front with a gray knitted cardigan and white shoes.

I walked out of the bathroom and back down the hall to Amy's room, taking my clothes and the other clothes Amy made me take with me because someone might need to use the bathroom and I don't want them to just find my clothes strewn about the bathr...

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I walked out of the bathroom and back down the hall to Amy's room, taking my clothes and the other clothes Amy made me take with me because someone might need to use the bathroom and I don't want them to just find my clothes strewn about the bathroom floor. I walked back into Amy's room, and they both turned to me and had smiles on their faces, noticing the outfit. "You look amazing in that Y/n," Amy says to me. "Why thank you," I say as I'm doing a small twirl. "Go try the others. I'm eager to see how they look on you." Kathryn says and she is sitting on a beanbag type of chair that is in Amy's room, while Amy is sitting on her bed.

I walked back out with the other clothes still in hand. I got back into the bathroom and changed into the next outfit. It was a black crop top and the other thing that I thought to be a shirt was a flannel so I put that on with the crop top. There was the other pair of jeans that were also black and were more ripped than the other pair of jeans.

 There was the other pair of jeans that were also black and were more ripped than the other pair of jeans

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(Ignore the black shoes in the picture)

Once I finish changing, I walk back out of the bathroom and start to walk back into Amy's room. As I was about to open the door, I heard whispering coming from inside. "They're the same age! We can get them together!" Who sounded like to be Amy, saying to Kathryn. "Give it time, Amy! They haven't even talked to each other yet." Kathryn responds. 'Who are they talking about? Can't be Mark because he and Amy are dating. Tyler? Maybe. Ethan? I don't know. I've talked to Tyler but not that much so maybe they mean him. And I haven't talked to Ethen that much, either. But they don't even know I talked to him. Oh well.' I think before opening the door. They notice me and instantly stop whispering and turn to me. Their smiles return to their faces as they see this outfit. "I love that one on you even more!" Kathryn says as she looks at me with a huge grin on her features. "That one looks so good on you, Y/n!" Amy says as she gets up to look at the outfit better. "I like both of the outfits I've tried so far. But I still have that dress you gave me to try on." I say to both of the ladies. "Then go try them on!" Amy says, ushering me out of the door and back into the hallway. I walk back into the bathroom and start to change into the dress. It's a green long sleeve short dress. I paired it with the black thigh-high boots.

 I paired it with the black thigh-high boots

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I really liked how the dress looks. I walk out into the hallway and walk back into Amy's room. They turn around to look at me as I put the other clothes on the floor, folded since this is my last outfit to try on I only hold my clothes still. "THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!" Amy yelled as she jumps up from the bed and walks over to me. "Which outfit do you like most?" Amy asks as she looks at me, "I really like the second one." (I just chose one) I told Amy as I start to walk back to the bathroom with my clothes. "You can wear that outfit tonight while we're all hanging out together if you want to," Amy says, which makes me turn around. "REally?" I say out of disbelief again. "Yes, now go change into the second outfit," Amy says as she takes the clothes that I came here in from my hands and replaces them with the second outfit. "Thanks, Amy!" I say as I walk back out and into the bathroom.

Amy's POV

"They would look so cute together!" I say to Kathryn as she rolls her eyes. Y/n just left the room to go and change back into the second outfit. "Amy, do you know if they even talked to each other yet?" Kathryn asked looking up at her phone. "No, but I'm going to make them talk tonight," I said, planning how I would get them to talk to each other in my head. "E still needs to pack for moving out tomorrow, though." Kathryn retaliates. "I'll make him stop packing for a bit to come and say hi to Y/n. See, I'm thinking ahead!" I say as I point to my head. Y/n comes back into the room with the second outfit on her as she throws her original outfit into her bag. "Face masks?" I say as I look at Y/n as she gets up from putting things back into her bag. "Is that even a question?" She says as she walks to sit on the bed next to me. "I'll take that as a yes," Kathryn says with a little bit of a laugh. 'They are definitely going to like each other.' I think to myself as I plaster a devious smile on my face. "What?" Y/n asks as she looks at me. "Nothing," I say with the smirk on my face.

A/n: Oh boy. You about to be doing some illegal things. Underage drinking? Shame-shame. What am I saying I'm the one who wrote it lol. ALSO, TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!! January 8th boys. Anyways, love you all stay icy

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