●Chapter 16●

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Your POV

We got through the crowd and Ethan let go of me. I felt cold, he was really warm. "What was that crowd there for?" I ask as we walk out of the mall. "I don't know but I'm glad we got through it alive," Ethan says laughing. "Yeah," I respond.

-Time skip to going back to Ethan's apartment-

We walk in and I sit on the couch. I put Ethan's bag of clothes next to me along with that bag with my phone in it. "Wanna watch Shrek: The Musical?" I hear Ethan ask as he sits next to me on the couch. "yes you meme," I say back to him. "Get your phone started while I find it on Netflix," he says as he turns on the TV (Okay sidenote Shrek: The Musical is so good you should watch it . it sounds stupid but it's honestly really good okay anyways) I pull the phone box out of the bag along with all of the other things that came with it. then I notice the model of the phone and how it's the newest one. "Ethan, really? you didnt have to buy the most expensive one!" I say and punch him in the arm. "Yes, I did. it was the best one and you only deserve the best," he says as he searches through Netflix. good things he kept looking at the screen because I was heavily blushing.

"FOUND IT!" Ethan screams as he clicks on the Musical. He turns off the light and sits back down on the couch. I was still trying to put the phone back together so the only thing that was helping me see was the slight light that was coming from around the kitchen counter. Good thing I could see just enough to see what I was doing. I took out the battery and placed it into the phone. Once I got it all started I took the sim card from my old phone out and put it into the new one so all my contacts and apps with be restored. Once everything was back in order, I took the phone and put it away so I could watch the Musical. I placed the phone on the couchside table (?) and looked back over at Ethan. he was just looking at me. I broke the awkward silence, "Do you have a blanket?" He shakes his head slightly and replies "Yeah," he gets up from the couch and over to a cabinet in the hallway. he comes out with a really fluffy blanket and a few pillows. (p.s. it's like 5 o'clock now idc if the times don't match up that's the time that I choose okay) He sits back down next to me and wraps the blanket around the both of us.

I lay my head down on his shoulder and he lays his head down on my head. we were about halfway through the musical by now. "I had a lot of fun hanging out with you today. thanks for showing me around and helping me unpack. it really means a lot, Y/n," Ethan says as he lifts his head off of mine to look down at me. I look up at him. "Thank you for taking me out today and buying me a new phone," I say back. we just looked at each other.

Until the person who played donkey screamed which caused us both to look back at the TV. "that legitimately scared me," Ethan says. "it wouldn't have been scary if we knew the context, but since we weren't paying attention, that scream was just horrifying," I reply. we go back to watching the musical.

-time skip to when its over-

"That was AMAZING!" I scream I look back at Ethan. "OW MY EARHOLES!" Ethan screams back. I end up laughing and getting up from the couch. "Can I have some water?" I ask him. "Of course, we're gonna be hanging out a lot so you're gonna be here a lot. so think of this place as your second home. you don't need to ask to do anything, just do it!" Ethan screams the last part while doing the Shai Labeouf hand motion thing. "Okay, but I still want to ask because this is your place and it's respectful to," I say as I grab a glass and put it on the counter. "You want a glass?" I ask Ethan. "Sure, I could use some hydration, "Ethan says. I giggle and grab another glass. I pour some water into both of them and give one to Ethan. I grab my phone off of the table and go sit on the kitchen counter. I like to sit on counters okay?

I drink some glasses of water and Open the phone, I go to the notifications and see that I have a call from my mom, two texts from my dad, and a facetime call from my younger sister. I decide to call my mom back. I wait for it to ring then I hear her voice

Y: Y/n

M: mom


Y: Hello to you, too.

M: Sorry, just got worried. So, how is it out there?

Y: It's really nice! I already have five friends here and one of them is my neighbor.

M: That's amazing! I was worried that you would be all alone and not know what to do.

Y: Thanks for worrying about me, but I can take care of myself. I'm an adult.

M: Indeed you are. Alright, I'll let you go now. Love you!

Y: love you too!

I say as I hang up the phone. "Who was that?" Ethan asks. "My mom," I say as I open the texts from my dad.

Dad: "Hey, hope you made it to LA safely." 3:46 pm

Dad: "Good morning hun have a nice day. Love ya." 7:55 am

I decide to respond to him.

Y: "Hey! sorry, I didn't respond sooner, I was on the plane then I broke my phone and had to get a new one. Hope you're doing well! love ya tooooo"

I hit send and put down the phone. I hop off of the counter and go to use the bathroom.

Ethan's POV

Y/n got off of the counter and headed to the bathroom. her phone started to go off. I look over and see it was a facetime call from her sister. I answer it and start to walk over to the bathroom. "Hey, you're not Y/n," the girl asks. she looks around 15 years old. "You are correct, I am not Y/n. I'm Ethan. she over at my house and she's in the bathroom right now," I explain. "DONT GIVE HER HER PHONE BACK! I wanna talk to you for a bit. get to know who she's hanging out with, y'know?" I stop walking towards the bathroom and go to sit on the couch. "So, has Y/n done anything illegal yet?" She asks. I think back to that one night she got drunk with us, she probably won't be happy to hear that. "Nope, not with me at least." I lie. "Pussy, she's never done anything bad in her life. She needs to change that," I hear her say. I laugh at the fact that she's disappointed that Y/n hasn't done anything illegal. "I like your hair," she says. "Thank you," I say back. Y/n walks out of the bathroom.

"Why do you have my phone?" (BECAUSE FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY! sorry...if you get that reference i love you forever) Y/n says as she sits next to me on the couch. "Y/N!!!" her sister screams. "HI!" Y/n screams back. "I'll leave you two to have some sisterly bonding time. and with that, I left and went to my room.

A/n just a friendly reminder that your emotions matter. You don't need to hide them, you are NOT overreacting. Sometimes if you need to, just cry and rant into the air around you or to someone who will listen. It has always made me feel better just to have those emotions and those words leave me and into the world, whether someone hears them or not. Love you all stay icy bye<3

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