●Chapter 33●

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E T H A N ' S P O V

It's been about 2 months since the accident. Visiting hours are almost up. "8: 41," I say as I look at the clock. 'We got 9 minutes,' I think as I look over to Mark. I was sitting on the hospital bed that Y/n was on. She still looks as lifeless as ever. Mark decided to come with me today to see Amy. "Amy was expected to wake up a month ago, what if she never wakes up?" Mark babbles while holding only Amy's hand. "Mark, you're over thinking, she's going to wake up soon.

As if it was a miracle, Mark shouts: "Her hand moved!" I look over at Amy and Mark. Mark is starting to tear up. I was now visibly able to see Amy's hand moving. "A-Amy?" Mark says. Amy stirs a little bit then slowly opens her eyes. "A-AMY!" Mark screams as he hugs her. "Mark careful!" I say as I look at him hugging her tightly. "Oh right," Mark says as he lets go of her.

"Water, please," may manage to squeak out from a raspy voice. "Yeah, of course," Mark says as he gets up to go across the room to the water machine to fill up a cup for Amy. "Here you go," Mark says as he hands her the cup. "Thank you," She squeaks again before drinking the entire cup. "That's better," Amy says in her normal voice, but still a bit raspy for not being used to two months. "I'm so glad you're awake," Mark says as he wipes some tears away. "I'm so sorry for fighting with you, I don't even remember what we fought about. If I didn't fight with you, you wouldn't have left then you wouldn't have gotten in this accident and-" "Mark, it's okay," Amy says interrupting him.

Amy weakly opens her arms for Mark to hug her, which he gladly accepts, because last time he almost crushed her. "Ah I see you're awake," Dr. Vanderhyde says as he closes the door after walking inside. "Indeed," Amy says. "Alright, so, now that you're awake, I'm gonna unhook you from these machines then you will have to walk around a bit to heal up your ankle," he says. "What happened to my ankle?" Amy asks with furrowed brows. "You fractured your ankle, miss," he says as he gets closer to take needles out of her arm. she looks at her ankle and notices a cast like wrapping around it. "I would say wait a little bit and drink water before you get up and start to walk around. If you don't drink water you will pass out from trying to walk. Also, you guys have to leave soon, and Amy, you have to stay here a bit longer, sorry to say, just to make sure that you are completely healed before we let you go. Goodnight gentlemen and lady," He says before he leaves the room. (STAY H Y D R A T E D KIDDOS)

"Want me to get you some more water?" Mark asks as he grabs the same cup from earlier off of the bedside table. Amy nods and he gets up to get her more water. I look back at Y/n and she is still laying there, unmoved. "Don't worry Ethan, She'll wake up," I look over at Amy and she is looking at me with a slight smile. "And I will wait for that day forever if I have to," I say as I look back at Y/n. I squeeze Y/n's hand as if it was going to make her wake up.

Mark hands Amy another glass of water. "Wanna try and sit up?" Mark asks. "Amy takes another sip of the water. "Sure," she says as she sets the cup down on the bedside table again. mark holds out his hands for her to take. She takes them and Mark slowly pulls her up. Once she sits up she stretches. "How long was I out?" She asks curiously. "About two months," Mark says

"Jeeze!" Amy says looking surprised. "What happened since the accident? Like in the house?" Amy asks. "Uhhh, not much really. Ethan has been coming here every day to see you and Y/n, Chica misses you a whole lot and we can't bring her here which I begged them to allow me to by the way, and I've come every so often because we are preparing for another live stream so we needed to get in time for that, I'm just glad that I was here when you woke up," Mark says. I look over at Y/n and just hope that I am here with her when she wakes up. 'Please wake up soon, I miss your smile, and how it lights up a room. I miss your eyes, how they twinkle when you're happy. I miss you. Every part of you I miss. I just want to hug you and feel you hug me back,' I think as I feel a tear drip down my cheek and fall into Y/n's hand that I was holding.

"Please," I whisper as I look at her. "Ethan, Mark, It's time to leave," I hear Dr. Vanderhyde say from the other side of the door. "Alright be out in a second," I say as I look at Mark. he says goodbye and kisses Amy on the cheek. I look at Y/n and kiss her hand and brush some of her hair out of her face. "I love you," I say as I kiss her hand. "Ready Mark," I ask as I get up from the bed and look over to him. "'Yeah," He says as he kisses Amy once more and gets up to leave.

-Time Skip-

I dropped Mark off at his house and pull up to my apartment. I unlock my door and go to the kitchen to feed Poseidon, who is already next to his food bowl waiting for me to feed him. I dump in some food and he chows down. I go into my room and start to get ready for bed. I take off my shoes, shirt, and pants and ruffle my hair a bit. I get into my bed and go to Y/n YouTube channel just t see her laugh and smile.

I go to a video she made a while back called 'I MOVED TO LA!' It's a short video but It's a video none the less. I click on it and see her in a room talking to someone who is off-screen. She then pans the camera towards the person and I see Andrew. 'Huh, I completely forgot that Andrew was the first person that Y/n met and that somehow led us to here. With Y/n being my neighbor and one of the best things in my life. Does Andrew know about Y/n? Should I call him? Yeah, just to make sure,' I think as I click out of the now finished video and go to Andrews contact.


Andrew = Bolded

Ethan = Unbolded


Hey, just wanted to see if your...how do I say this, updated...on what had happened recently.

Uhhh, I don't think so, what happened?

Y/n and Amy got in a car accident.

WHAT?! When!?

About 2 months ago.


I was in a state of panic! My 2 best friends got into a car accident! that was my first priority instead of spreading the word!

That's true, I'm just glad that you told me eventually. How is Y/n? How is Amy?

Amy and Y/n were both asleep, Amy woke up today and Y/n hasn't woken up yet. I'm really worried about her.

Don't worry, she's going to wake up.

I sure hope so. Anyways, just thought I would inform you.

I'm glad you did. Bye, Ethan.

Bye, Andrew

I hang up the phone and crawl under the covers. Poseidon comes running into the room and jumps onto the bed and snuggles into my bare chest. "Let's get some sleep," I say to the pup as I turn off the bedside lamp.

A/n have a nice day/night everyone!

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