●Chapter 45●

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We let Andrew play for a little bit longer then we order pizza. We paused the game when Emily and Matt are in the tower calling the station. He paused the game and called a pizza place nearby. A few minutes later the doorbell rings, causing Poseidon to bark. "Poseidon, it's okay," I say as I pet the pup before going to answer the door. Ethan was playing an intense part of Until Dawn for Andrew while he was hiding under a blanket.

I walk over to the door with my wallet and open it. I'm greeted by a tall blonde man about the same height as Ethan, maybe even a little taller. "So we meet again?" He says with a smirk, holding the pizza. "Have we met before?" I ask this caught the attention of Ethan and Andrew. "Yes actually, I delivered a pizza here about 2 or maybe 3 years ago, and I could never forget a pretty face like that," He says winking. I make a disgruntled face towards him as I soon remember who he is. "Hey Charlie," I say slightly annoyed since I just want the pizza. "So, how much will it be?" I ask opening my wallet. $15 dollars and a kiss on the cheek," He says with a cheeky grin. "Yeah I don't want to do that, how about a $5 dollar tip," I say. "Nah, I'll stick with y original offer," He says as he grabs hold of my waist with his free hand, pulling me closer to him. I can feel Ethan and Andrew staring into my back as this conversation happens.

"Yeah, the only way you are getting a kiss on the cheek is if it comes from me," Ethan says as he walks up next to me, placing an arm around my waist pulling me out of Charlie's grip. "I'll pass, she's the cuter one," he says as he looks back at me, and giving Ethan a death glare.

E T H A N ' S P O V

'I swear I'm gonna slap him,' I think as I look at this douche. He only has seen Y/n, which means he's only in it for looks. he hasn't been able to get to know her and know that there is so much more to this amazing person. "Look, buddy," I say as I look at him, unintentionally gripping onto Y/n waist a bit tighter, "If you want a kiss; you either get it from me or don't get one at all. Got it?" I say sternly as I look at him. "Fine whatever man, just give me the money and I'll go, She's pathetic anyways, needing her boyfriend to stand up for her, grow some balls, girl," He says. "I don't need a man to stand up for me," Y/n says as she releases herself from my grip.

Y/n is scary when she's angry, so I don't try and stop her. "And that was a very strange sentence you said, You tell me to grow some balls then proceed to call me 'girl?' I can't get balls without some sort of surgery. So no, I won't grow some balls, because I don't need them," She finishes her sentence then gives Charlie an uppercut. 'Holy shit,' I think as I look at her with a surprised smile. 'That's my girl,' I think as I look at Charlie who is laying on the welcome mat on my porch. Y/n grabs her wallet and threw $15 dollars on his chest. She grabs the pizza and hands it to me. She goes down and kneels by his face. "Here's your kiss buddy, on the cheek like you ordered," she says as she smiles sweetly. "I knew you couldn't resist me-" Charlie was interrupted by Y/n kissing her hand then slapping him across the face. She stood up and looked down at his body.

"Leave," She says sternly. Charlie gets up and wipes his bloody lip with his thumb. He walks away and gets into his car. Y/n and I walk inside and she shuts the door. She looks over at Andrew and me with our mouths wide open. "I swear to god next time we are ordering Chinese," Y/n says as she looks at us. We all laugh and walk over to the kitchen table to eat.

"Nothing tastes better than Hawaiian pizza with a side of vengeance," Y/n says as she looks at us, shoving a slice into her mouth. We all continue to eat pizza as I slip some of the ham to Poseidon from under the table. Once we finish the pizza it's 10 PM. "I didn't even realize how long we played Until Dawn for," Andrew says, chuckling. "I'm gonna head out," Andrew says as he goes and hugs Ethan. "Thanks for letting me stay," he says as he lets go of Ethan and Goes over to hug me, which I gladly accept. "I'm glad you're back, Y/n," He whispers to me. He lets go of me and heads towards the door. "Bye Andrew!" Ethan and I say in unison.

"We should probably go to bed, or me at least cause I have to go to work in the morning," I say as I look at Ethan, who is turning off the TV. "Yeah, we probably should, and work? Where do you work?" Ethan asks curiously. "Well, Kathryn told Dean what had happened to me and he had promised to let me work back at Dean's Coffee Counter once I'm ready to go back," I say happily, remembering the friends I have made from that job.

"Ah okay," Ethan says as he walks with me to our separate rooms. "Goodnight Ethan," I say as I walk into my room. "Goodnight Y/n, sleep well, love you," Ethan says back in a genuine voice. "I love you moooore," I say dragging the vowel for emphasis. "I love you most," Ethan says, acting as though he had won this battle. "Heh, not possible," I say imitating his words that he had said to me the night before. Before he could come up with a response I shut my door and got ready for bed.

I put on some pajamas, I set my alarms and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finish I go back into my new room and fins Poseidon on my bed waiting for me there. I shut off the light and get under the covers with Poseidon beside me. "Goodnight Poseidon," I say to the pup as I slowly drift into a sweet, sound slumber.

A/n I love you guys more than you guys will ever realize. you guys mean the absolute world to me<3

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