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To answer a question that is probably in your mind, no this is not the chapter that I am uploading for today, I just want to give some clarification for the next chapter. This chapter is a HUGE game changer for the story and I had to do it so that the plotline of the story makes more sense, it will also make it easier to write the story if it is put this way. (Me trying not to spoil the chapter lol).

I'm sorry if you do not like the choice I chose for this chapter and for the ones to come, but it is the way that I wanted it to be written, so that is how I wrote it. Again, I'm sorry if you don't like the next chapter because of said choice, but once I publish it, that is how the story will be written, and that's that.

I will probably upload the next chapter in a few hours so keep your eyes peeled for a notification. Alright, I need to go study for a huge Geography test now so see ya in a few hours. BYE!!!<3

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