●Chapter 54●

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Y O U R   P O V

I wake up and I'm tightly wrapped within Ethan's grasp. I smile and look up at his sleeping face, a slight smile on his features. I take my hand and swipe a strand of hair out of view of his face. I smile and place my hand onto the side of his face. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. "Good morning, sweets," Ethan says as he smiles sweetly at me.

"Good morning," I say as I smile back. All of a sudden, Ethan smiles brightly, pulls me so I'm laying on my stomach on top of him, and starts laughing like a little kid. "What?" I ask as I lift my head from his chest and look at his smiling face.

"I just remembered what happened yesterday and I got really happy," He says as he rolls around still holding onto me. "Ethan! Don't roll around so much!" I say laughing as he continues to roll around. "Make me," He says. "Fine," I say as I get closer to his face when I am at a point when I am on top of him (Does that make sense?) I go up to his face and kiss his lips softly. He rolls over one more time where I'm under him and then he stops rolling and hovers over me.

He props himself up on his elbows and places his legs on either side of me, smiling into the kiss. I smile into it as well. Ethan pulls back and looks into my eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that," he whispers. I just smile and peck his lips softly before jumping up and tackling him onto the bed. Once he's down I jump off of him ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and run out of the room and into the kitchen.

Ethan follows me and by the time he gets to the doorway of the kitchen I'm already working on making breakfast. I put a pan onto the stove top and got ingredients for pancakes. I grab everything I need and start to mix the batter together in a bowl. Ethan walks in and wraps his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

He watched me silently as I placed the batter into the pan waiting until I need to flip it over to the other side. I make a stack of pancakes and place them onto the counter as I turn off the stove, with Ethan's chin still on my shoulder.

I try and walk over to the table with the plate of pancakes but Ethan still holds onto me. "Ethan, let's go eat," I say as I grab the plate of pancakes. "Okay," He says before he picks me up by the waist and carries me over to the table. He sets me down on a chair and he sits in a chair next to me.

"Thank you," Ethan says as he grabs a plate and stacks pancakes and hands it to me, and picks up another plate for himself. "Of course," I say as I grab a fork. We eat in silence, comfortable silence. I put a piece of pancake into my mouth and look up towards Ethan, and he was already looking at me. He just smiles and continues to eat the pancakes.

"So...when should we tell the others?" I ask as I look up at Ethan again. "We could today if you want?" Ethan says. "Or...we can try and have them catch onto it," Ethan continues, wearing a sly smirk. " I like that idea, but how would we do that?" I ask as I place my now empty plate into the sink.

"We can go to their house and do coupley stuff until they catch on," He says as he brings his plate to the sink as well. "I'M SO DOWN!" I practically scream as I look at him. "I'll go tell Mark was coming over, go get dressed, but wear one of my sweatshirts again, they look good on you," Ethan says making me blush. I run into Ethan's room and grab another one of his sweatshirts and run back into my room to get some pants.

(I haven't written in so long so I forgot if Y/n had her own room or not and was choosing to sleep in Ethan's room, from now on she does have her own room, sorry that I forgot<3)

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