●Chapter 25●

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Y O U R    P O V

I wake up to Amy looking out the window of the hotel room. "Good morning," I say in a raspy yet energetic voice. "Oh, you're awake! Good morning to you, too! I don't really have much of a plan for today since I want to drive over to Slab city tomorrow. Wanna go get some breakfast? then maybe we could go down to a beach or something? Or go shopping in some small thrift stores?" Amy suggests, getting excited over every idea that she suggests.

"I'm down for food, and I'm also SUPER down for thrifting," I say as I get out of the bed. (personally, I love thrifting so much) I realize that I am still in my clothes from last night and I go to my suitcase to change. I grab some black skinny jeans and a black tank top and the orange jacket with white stripes that I secretly stole from Ethan a while back and walk into the bathroom to change.

 I grab some black skinny jeans and a black tank top and the orange jacket with white stripes that I secretly stole from Ethan a while back and walk into the bathroom to change

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(In case you've never seen it)

"Isn't that Ethan jacket?" Amy says as I walk back into the room. She already got changed into a pair of dark green shorts and a plain black tee shirt, and she was putting on her shoes. "Yeah, why?" I ask as I put the clothes I changed out of next to my suitcase, so they won't get mixed up with my clean clothes. "oh, no reason," Amy says as she looks away, but I can see her smirking a bit to herself. "Okaayyy," I say quietly to myself as I go to my phone on the bedside table.

I pick it up and I see 2 missed calls from Ethan along with a thread of text messages. As I open the messages Amy peeks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. "Ethan seems worried," I can tell that Amy is smiling when she said that, without even turning around. "Yeah," I say as I start to reply back.

9:04 AM  Y/n<
Hey, I'm fine. I went on a little road trip with Amy. We're
staying in a hotel and we made it here fine. no need
to worry

A few seconds later my phone dings.

>Ethan 9:04 AM
YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH Y/N!!! please tell me next time you leave.
I got scared and I went to your house and you weren't there and I started to text
you and you weren't replying so I thought something happened
to you and I slept at your house.

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