●Chapter 5●

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Your POV

Amy, Kathryn and I all chose out different types of face masks.(making up face masks lol) Kathryn chose and avocado and honey face mask, Amy chose an aloe and olive oil mask, and I chose a charcoal mask. "IT'S SO COLD!" I say as I apply the paste to my face. "Well yeah, the packaging says to keep the masks refrigerated, Y/n," Amy says as she applies her mask. "IT DOES?!" I say as I pick up the packaging, inspecting the label. "Huh, I've been storing my face masks wrong all this time," I say as I put back down the package and finish applying the mask. I go and sit on the bed since I'm done Putting on my mask, while Amy and Kathryn still are putting on theirs. I go on my phone for a bit until the door opens, revealing a very tired Ethan. "Hey E, what's up?" Amy asks as she has a very small but still visible smirk on her face. "I'm just really tired from packing, Mark and Tyler are going out to go shopping for who knows what. And I already finished preparing videos for tomorrow and they are already edited. So I don't really have much to do." He says as he sits down by my feet. I go back to my phone and I can see out of the corner of my eye that he keeps glancing at me. I muster up enough courage to look up at him. As I do he was looking at me and we made awkward eye contact. He quickly looked away with a dark crimson colour forming on his cheeks. Kathryn and Amy's face mask were now on their face and Kathryn went back to sitting on the beanbag while Amy sat on the floor. "Amy, no. This is your room, sit here." I say as I start to get up from the spot I was in on Amy's bed. "No, you can stay," Amy said, pushing me back onto the couch. (About to be descriptive) Amy's bed was cornered into a wall so the right side of the bed was against a wall, along with the bed frame, which was going against the wall perpendicular. I was sitting in the corner of the bed leaning my back on the headboard, and my right side was leaning up against the right wall, so I was completely in the corner, and I liked it that way. I had my legs sprawled out, near to where Ethan was sitting. He still seemed a bit tense for some reason. 'He's probably stressing about the move.' I thought to myself as I looked at him. He must have felt my felt my gaze because he looked over at me. When he looked at me I gave him a slight smile and motioned for him to come and sit next to me on the wall against the bed frame. He seemed apprehensive about coming to sit next to me but he tried to hide it as best as he could. "What's wrong? You seem off." I say as I look at him. He looks at me with tired eyes, "Uh, just kinda stressed out and confused and really tired." "You can take a rest and I'll wake you up when Mark and Tyler get back." I say as he looks back at me. "Really, you wouldn't mind?" "No, of course not. You can crash right here." I say as I pat the shoulder that is closest to him. He smiles slightly and leans his head on my shoulder.

Ethan's POV

I was thinking about what I just got myself into. I told myself that I was going to try to stay away from Y/n. But here I am, sitting on the bed of the room, that has Y/n on it with me. I was thinking to myself when I felt like someone was watching me. I looked over in Y/n's direction and she was looking at me, she gave me a smile and motioned for me to go sit next to her. I got nervous but tried not to let it show, so I went over to her. "What's wrong? You seem off." "Uh, just kinda stressed out and confused and really tired." She looks at me with sympathetic eyes. "You can take a rest and I'll wake you up when Mark and Tyler get back." Y/n says as she looks over at me. "Really, you wouldn't mind?" I ask her, "No, of course not. You can crash right here." she says as she pats her shoulder. I smile at her and lean on her shoulder. She's so warm and cuddly. I wanna just grab her and not let go. NO ETHAN DON'T THINK LIKE THAT DON'T CATCH FEELINGS NO!

Amy's POV

I saw Y/n looking over at Ethan. And I also saw Ethan look back at Y/n. I didn't want to eavesdrop so I didn't. But when I looked back at them again, Ethan was laying his head on Y/n's shoulder and they both had smiles on their faces. 'They're so cute.' I thought to myself as I looked at them. I wanted to get Kathryn to look at them but I didn't want it to be obvious to Y/n or Ethan, so I decided to just text Kathryn.

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