●Chapter 26●

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E T H A N ' S P O V

We finished eating and decided to head out and do something. We decided to go to the zoo. I really wanted to see the koalas and Kathryn wanted to see the giraffes. We got ready quickly and headed out to the zoo.

-Time skip to the zoo!-

"KATHRYN! LOOK OVER THERE!" I scream as we look at a baby koala in a tree. I look at the koala, like it's the most beautiful thing in the world. "Hey, Ethan? Why are you looking at that koala like how you look at Y/n?" Kathryn says walking up next to me at the fence. I quickly shake my head, getting me out of my thoughts. "W-what do you m-mean?" I ask red-cheeked, looking down. "You were looking at that koala like you look at Y/n, I've noticed you staring at her Ethan," Kathryn says.

"IT WAS A CUTE KOALA!" I say. "So you look at things that are cute like that?" She asks smirking a bit and raising her eyebrow. "I guess," 'WHY DID I SAY THAT?! I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING! FHJIISFUI ' I think to myself, panicked a bit. "So, you think Y/n is cute then?" She asks. "u-uh I- don't k-know I-" I stutter, "let's just go to the giraffes," I huff looking down walking towards the next exhibit.

K A T H R Y N ' S P O V

Ethan stared at the koalas a specific way that I only see him staring at one other person. Y/n. I walk towards him. "Hey, Ethan? Why are you looking at that koala like how you look at Y/n?" I ask. "W-what do you m-mean?" he says looking down. I take this time that he wasn't looking and pulled out the voice recording app on my phone and hit record. "You were looking at that koala like you look at Y/n, I've noticed you staring at her Ethan," I say.

"IT WAS A CUTE KOALA!" he says. "So you look at things that are cute like that?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "I guess," he says calmly, then his face going crimson and looking panicked. "So, you think Y/n is cute then?" I ask, fangirling a bit. "u-uh I- don't k-know I-" he stutters, "let's just go to the giraffes," he huffs looking down walking towards the next exhibit. 'And stop recording,' I think to myself as I hit the stop button. 'Can't wait to send this to Amy,' I think as I catch up to Ethan.

A/n small filler<3

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