●Chapter 31●

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I don't know where I am. It's dark. I can hear things around me, but I can't move. I hear beeping from I think machines? and shuffling of feet a bit away. I hear a door open. I try and turn my head but I can't. I hear footsteps rapidly racing towards me, becoming louder and louder until they stopped. I feel someone grab my hand, and I hear some quiet sobs.

"Please...please be okay," someone says 'Ethan?' I think as I try and move my hand, but failing. It was silent, but I heard another person's sobs from across the room, but I couldn't recognize who's they were. 'What happened?' I think. The last thing that I remember was driving home with Amy from Slab City...she told Kathryn that we were almost to the warehouse...she screamed. 'We got hit by a car,' was all I was thinking. 'I'm in a hospital,' I think. "We have to let them heal a bit before we can start having people spend overnight with them. I would say about a week until we can allow that. Visiting hours are almost up and I'm sure the others would like to see them as well. Better get going," I hear someone say. 'It's probably a doctor,' I think. I feel someone kiss my hand, 'Probably Ethan,' I think "I love you," Ethan said as he let go.

I hear Ethan, the doctor, and the other person walk away and the door close. I think the other person might have been Mark because Amy was involved in the accident no doubt. A few minutes pass and I hear the door open again. Someone rushes to my side. "Y/...Y/n," I hear someone say. 'Kathryn,' I think as I decipher who the voice if from. "If you can hear me, you are going to be okay, I promise. You got in a car accident. You and Amy were on your way back and you guys got hit in the side by a Semi-truck. Everything is going to be okay, though," I hear her say. 'Huh, a semi. A fucking semi,' I think to myself. "We have to get going, visiting hours are up in 5 minutes," The same doctor voice says as before. "everything will be okay, and if you can hear me, Ethan is a wreck right now," Kathryn says as I hear her footsteps become fainter and fainter.

It suddenly gets quiet and I am only in the presence of Amy. The only sounds are the shuffling of feet outside of the room and the beeping of the machines.

hi I just woke up enjoy this<3

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