●Chapter 34●

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So sorry for what I am about to do... Let's do this...


E T H A N ' S P O V

2 years. 2 fucking years. I'm 21 and so is Y/n. I dyed my hair back to brown a little bit before my 21st birthday. 2018 was the year I hoped I would see her again, but we just have to wait and see what happens. We're four months into the fucking year already and no sign of her waking up. April 1st, 2018. She hasn't woken up. I started to lose faith that Y/n would wake up. Slowly, I started to stop going to the hospital to visit her, till soon I stopped completely. At this point, I am waiting for a call from the hospital to tell me that she is gone. They aren't giving up on her. I don't want to think this, but I don't think she is gonna make it.

It's Easter. I am probably going to stay inside and watch Veggie Tales. Cause what else have I got to lose. Y/n's lease on her apartment timed out so they had to take everything out of her apartment. I kept Poseidon because I couldn't give him up. He is the only living remembrance of Y/n that I have. I was halfway through a Veggie Tales episode when I get a call from Mark.

Mark = Bolded

Ethan = Unbolded

Yes, Mark?

Were coming over

Woah Woah Woah, who's coming over?

Tyler and I


Just to get out of the house. Wear something nice, please.


Bye, Ethan. Be ready by 10, please.

Why does Mark want to take me out? where are we going? I look over at the clock. 9:34. 'Better start getting ready,' I think as I get up off of the couch. I get into the shower and wash my hair. I dyed it back brown towards the end of 2017. Not because I was tired of the blue, just decided to take a break from the blue. I really miss it, though.

-Time Skip-

I get out of the shower and go into my room and put on a blue button-up shirt, some black skinny jeans, and some black hightops. 9:52. I go into the kitchen and grab some food for myself and pour some food into the bowl for Poseidon. I finish a hard-boiled egg and hear a knock at my door. I get up and open the door to see Mark and Tyler. "Nicely dressed, ready to go?" Mark asks.I grab my keys, phone, and wallet then shut and lock the door. "Sure, where are we going?" I ask as we walk down the stairs. "Somewhere, no need to worry," Tyler says as he leads me to their car. Tyler takes my keys from my back pocket. "Hey!" I say as I try to grab them. "You're not gonna need them," He says with a smile. "Okay, don't fucking lose those," I say as we get into the car. I sit in the back and look out the window as we start to drive farther from my apartment.

A M Y ' S P O V

-2 days earlier-

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