●Chapter 47●

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E T H A N ' S   P O V

"Well, I really fucked up breakfast," I say to myself after I hear the door shut from Y/n leaving. I walk out of my room with clothes in my hands and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

I get into the shower and started to think about the day Y/n and I are going to have to catch up. 'Would it be appropriate to call it a date? I don't know...I won't call it that in front of her because what if it makes her uncomfortable?'  I think as I grab some shampoo from the corner shelf in the shower. I lather it in my hands then mix the concoction into my hair, making it all soapy and sudsy.

I think about the day more and have the perfect day in mind. I'll have it split up into three parts. Morning, Afternoon, and night. three different activities for one special girl. 'And when I feel it's right, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend,'  I think as I rinse the rest of the soap out of my hair. "Shit got soap in my eye!" I yell as I fill my hands with water and splash my face. "God, that sucked," I say as I wipe my eye with my index finger.

I finish washing my body and get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and look at myself in the mirror. "Maybe I should start to work out?" I say looking at myself. I flex my arms at myself in the mirror and see that I actually do have some muscle. "I should probably eat healthier as well. Fuck it, I'll do a healthy lifestyle for a while," I say as I start to dry my body. I start to put clothes on my now clean and dry body and ruffle around my hair until it's a huge brown fluff.

I walk out of my room and go into my recording room. Poseidon follows me there and sits on the little dog bed I got for Daisy whenever I dogsit her. I've dog sat a few times with Poseidon here and they got to meet each other and they play around a lot. They seem like good dog friends. I sit in my chair and start up my computer. 'Recording time!' I say in my head as the startup screen pops up on the computer screen.

-Time Skiparooni-

"Alright, Andrew I gotta go!" I say to Andrew over Skype. We just filmed an episode of The Trash Goblins Podcast and talked a little bit after we stopped recording. (The day this chapter is on is April 2nd, and that's the day Ethan posted the trash goblin podcast with Andrew, yes I did dig through his channel to find out what video he posted on that day don't judge me)

I hang up the call and get out of my chair. I take off the headband that I had worn during the video and walk out to get something to eat. I look at my phone and see the time. '4:26'  I read on the screen display. I decide to go to Y/n work to get something to eat because why not? I went there a few times while she was hospitalized to see what kind of environment she was working with and what people she had to deal with every day she worked.

I grab Poseidon's collar along with his harness and leash. I put them on him, grab my wallet keys my phone and head out the door, locking it, of course.

Once I arrive at Dean's coffee corner, I walk inside, seeing the welcoming environment of people on their computers to the workers smiling happily, probably because they are on camera. I look around a bit more and see the one person with the most genuine smile in the world. "Hey, Y/n!" I say as I lean on the counter a bit to the smiling girl who will be taking my order. "Hey, Ethan, what can I getcha?" She says while grabbing a sharpie. "I'll just have a coffee," I say as I grab Poseidon from the floor. "Also, this guy wanted to say hi," I say to Y/n. She looks at Poseidon and smiles lightly, once she finishes writing down my order on the cup and puts it into the computer, she speaks up, taking me out of a daze I didn't even know I was in. Her smile is hypnotic.

"That's gonna cost ya $3.75, mister," she says as she looks at me. I grab my wallet and hand her a $5 dollar bill. "Keep the change," I say in a funny voice with a wink. "Oh, of course, thank you this will help me pay my part of the rent," she replies back with a smile. She places the cup onto another counter for someone to pick up. "Your drink will be ready at the other counter sir," She says as she looks up at me and winks. I walk away and hear someone making the drinks scream, "Y/n I need to do a change real quick!"

"Got it!" Y/n replies as she walks away from the cash register and to the drink making counter thing. I don't know what its called I pick Poseidon up and hold him in my arms as I watch Y/n making everyone else's drinks. I watch her as she grabs my drink cup and looks at the order. She just makes a regular coffee but adds sugar and a little bit of creamer. 'She remembers how I like my coffee,' I think as I pet Poseidon's head. I was gonna do that myself but she remembered, how sweet.

She finishes making the coffee and hands it to me, "Have a nice day, sir," She says with a smile. "You too, ma'am," I say as I set Poseidon back on the floor of the cafe. I look at my cup and see the name she wrote 'Elvis Nesquik :)' it reads. I laugh a bit and walk out of the cafe doors.

I really did miss Y/n. I'm excited about our "date" next week.

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