Chapter ~4~

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Justin's pov:

I wake up and groan against my pillow. It a 7 o'clock. No school. Why am I up? I can never fall back alseep after I wake up. Ugh.

I get out of bed and go downstairs. My mom isn't up yet and I don't know if my dad is home. Whatever. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the kitchen table.

After I'm done I put my bowl in the sink and grab my phone. I was about to take a step upstairs but my phone went off. I see I got a text from Raegan. Seriously? I walk upstairs and into my room. I sit on my bed and open the text from him.

Raegan: Hi Justin. This is kinda wierd but can I come over. I need to talk to you about something.

Did he really remember that he kissed me? Someone probably told him. Or he does remember. I don't know.

Me: I guess yea. My address is ******

Raegan: Ok can I come now?

It's 7 o'clock in the morning and he wants to talk to me now?

Me: Yea.

I shut my phone off and change into something more...well more than just boxers and a shirt. I put on a binder and keep the same shirt on. I change into some sweatpants. Good enough. I walk downstairs and sit at the last step waiting for him. Shit this is scary. He's coming to my house.

"Goodmorning." I hear behind me. My mom comes down the stairs and I move to give her room.

"Morning." I smile at her.

"Why are you sitting there?" She asks me.

"My..friend is coming over to talk to me." I say. He's not really my friend, I don't think. But what else was I supposed to say?

"Oh. Ok." She smiles walking to the kitchen.

I look outside the front door and see his car. He gets out and starts walking to my front door. He looks...good. Ugh I need to set the whole 'high school crush' thing out of my head. He's a player, I'm not getting involved with him.

He walks to the door and I wave my hand gesturing him to come in. He opens the screen door and walks in. I get up from the stairs.

"Hey." I say quietly.


"Lets go to my room." I tell him. He nods. I go up the stairs and I hear him following. We get in and I shut my door. My mom was in the kitchen so I didnt want her to hear us. We sit on my bed, a litrle distance away.

"So..." I say to break the silence.

"I just came over to clear up what happened last night. To be honest after I pulled you into that room, I have no idea what happened. Or what I was doing."

"Yea, I could tell." I say.

"What happened?"

"You basically just kissed me."

"Really?" He asks surprised.


"Damn I must have been so wasted." He said. That kinda hurt.

"Uh..yea so-"

"So, since I'm here. You wanna do something?" He asks.

"Wait really?"

"I mean why not? My friends are still alseep." He says.

"Ok. Sure. What do you want to do?"

"We could go get something to eat?" He asks.


"I'll drive. We'll figure it out on the way." He says.


We walk downstairs and outside to his car. I get in the passenger seat while he gets in he drivers seat. He starts his car and start driving.

"We can go to that place by the beach for breakfast?" I ask.

"Sure." He smiles a little. That smile :)

He turns on the radio a little and continues driving. We didn't say anything. I would glance at him every once and a while. I'm in a car driving to go have breakfast with Raegan Beast. Is it a good idea? Does he even care? Are we friends? Does this mean anything to him?

"Ok we're here." He says. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. We walk inside and sit at a table. We sit across from each other.

"So other wise me kissing you at the party, did you have fun?" He asks.

"Yea I did." I nod. "It was a great party."

"Yea I've been getting that all this morning. My phones been blowing up."

"Yea." I smile.

A waitress comes up to us and we say what we want to drunk and we order. We both got pancakes.

"Have you been in the same school your whole high school years so far?"

"Yea. I've known- well not known but we've been in the same school since freshman year."

"How come I don't see you a lot?" He asks.

"Well, I'm not a very social person. I have 2 friends." I shrug. He doesn't say anything. His phone goes off and he looks at it. He rolls his eyes and puts his phone back down.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"My girlfriend." He rolls his eyes again.

"You have a girlfriend. Since when?"

"I just asked a girl out in our school this morning, but I'm thinking of breaking up with her." He says.

"Why? It's only been a few hours."

"She's annoying and non stop texts me."

"Oh. Ok." I say awkwardly. Our food comes and we eat in silence.

That's one thing about being a Fuckboy is you date girls left and right. But not to give them a chance, that's stupid. He's been dating this girl for a few hours. He doesn't knew her good. He doesn't know, it could be a good relationship. I'll bet five bucks he's with another girl tomorrow or Monday.

We finish eating and he gives the waitress money.

"I can pay for myself." I tell him.

"No it's alright. My treat." He says closing his wallet.

"Raegan." I give him a look.

"Justin." He mocks me. "I'm paying." He laughs a little.

"Thank you." I say. He nods.

We get back into his car after he gets his change back. He drives to my house and parks his car in the driveway.

"I had a nice time. Thank you again." I say.

"Me too. I'll see you around." He says.

"I'll text you tomorrow." I tell him.

"Ok." He smiles. I get out of the car and go inside. As I shut the front door I lean my back against it looking up.

He seems like a nice guy. I did have a fun time this morning. Maybe he's not so bad when you get to know him? Maybe.

I don't know what to say when I type this, so hope you enjoyed 😂💕

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