Chapter ~17~

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Justin's pov:

"Get up honey."

I open my eyes to see my mom shaking me to wake up.

"What time is it?" I rub my eyes sitting up.

"Seven fifteen." She says. School starts at 7:30.

"Shit." I rush off my bed.

"Get ready hurry!" She laughs a little walking out. I rush to get ready.

~At school~

My stupid alarm didn't go off. Now I'm at school and I'm a mess. My hair looks like shit and my clothes don't match. Great:/

The bell rings right after I shut my locker. I rush to first period and sit down.


I'm on my way to lunch when my phone dings. I stop in my tracks and see who texted me.

Raegan: Meet me under the staircase we always go to.

I shut my phone off and turn around to head to the staircase. On my way, I see Brad walking towards me. I keep my head down and walk fast past him. He puts his food out and I fall to the ground. My knee hits the ground first and I wince in pain. I turn myself over and see him laughing at me.

"Too easy." He says turning away. I get off the ground and limp a little. Shit my knee hurts. I limp before starting to walk normal again. There is just a little pain in it. I go under the stairs and stop in my tracks. I stare what's in front of me. Raegan, but he's not alone.

His back to me. His hands on her waist. A random girl. Her fingers tangled in her hair. His lips smashing against hers with force. My heart breaking.

I stand here, staring at them. Tears flowing down my cheeks like a river. I trusted him. I actually did? A shaky breathe comes from my mouth and it's louder than I expected. They both pull away and look at me. Raegan looks so full of regret.

I run away from them as fast as I can. I hear him yell my name. I wipe my tears and go into the lunchroom. I give Madison and James the fakest smile ever and put my head on the table.

~End of the day~

This day had been fucking torture. I can't believe it. I can't believe I trusted him! I can't believe he just played with my feelings like that. I can't believe he kisses another girl when he told me he really liked me.

Actually can believe it, you want to know why? Because he's the Fuckboy he always has been.

"Blake?" I slam my locker and turn to see Madison walking up to me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"He doesn't like me. He never did like me. He used me." I start to cry and she hugs me. I hug her tight. I'm such an emotion wreck. He's just a guy!

"What happened?"

"He was sucking another girls face off this morning. Fuck him and fuck his whole 'i like you' thing because I'm actually done." I say getting away from her. I start to hear laughing. I look past Madison and see Jason, Brad, and another kid.

"I told you kid. He doesn't like you and he never did." Jason says. I look back at Madison.

"I gotta go. I'll text you later." I tell her. She nods. I run out of the school and into my car. I get to my house fast. I slam the door and run upstairs to my room. I slam my bedroom door to. I grab my phone and go to my messages.

Me: Never fucking talk to me again and have fun with your Fuckboy life. Nothing new.

I send it and through my phone on my bed. I also through myself on my bed. My phone goes off.

Raegan: Justin please you've got it all wrong!

Me: This already happened once and I'm not taking your lies anymore.

Raegan: I'm not lying. It's all a long story.

Me: Don't try that bullshit with me. I saw you two making out. How do you explain that? You can't. Goodbye Raegan

I send that message and immediatly block him from my contacts. I put my phone on the charger. A thick layer of tears gloss over my eyes. I fell for him so hard. I actually thought maybe he really wanted to come out to school and date me. I really thought he cared about me. My stupid brain thought my high school liked me. That's why I gave him a chance. But I shouldn't of. I regret ever talking to him. I regret kissing him all those times. I'm done with him.

I hear the front door close and I look up. My dad. He looks at me with concern. Yea like he cares. He comes over and sits next to me on the couch. I have my knees to my chest, my arms around my legs.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks touching my knee. I slap his hand away.

"Nothing. Leave me alone." I say turning to the opposite side of him a little.

"Talk to me?"

"No. Not like you care." I say getting up from the couch. I go up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and walk slowly over to my bed. I get under the blankets and close my eyes.

I need some time alone to think about this.

Little bit of a short chapter but there you go 😆 Hope you all enjoyed and plz vote and comment💙

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