Chapter ~2~

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Justin's pov:

Finally, today's Friday. I went home last night, did my little homework I had, and went to sleep. I'm just happy it's Friday now.

I walk into school definitely in a better mood than yestarday. I go to my locker and put my combination in. I see Madison walking towards me from the left.

"Goodmorning. Or should I say 'good' morning?" She giggles a little.

"Yea. It's a good morning today." I say smiling.


~period before lunch~

I was in 4th period and I had to use the bathroom. I ask the teacher and she said it was fine. This teacher was one of the few that I talk to when I'm upset. She's very sweet.

I walk out of the class and down the hall. I reach the bathroom and push the door open. As I step in, small sobs can be heard from a stall.

"Hello? Who's in here?" I ask.

I step closer to the stalls. As I do, one of them opens and I step back. A boy, a little taller then me comes out. He has bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Ive never seen him before. His face is red and his cheek is swollen.

"What happened to you?" I ask taking his hand and pulling him closer to the sinks.

"I-i-" He just continued to sob.

"Let me take you to the nurse." I tell him. He nods and I lead him down the hall to her. We walk in and I explain to her what happened. We both sit down and she gets him an ice pack for his cheek.

"Can you please call Mrs. A and tell her I'm here with him?" I ask the nurse.

"Sure Justin." She smiles at me. I turn back to the boy and see him looking at the ground with the ice pack against his left cheek.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods slightly. Then he looks at me.

"I'm Justin." I say to him. He takes the ice pack off and smiles a little.

"I'm James."

"Are you new here?"

"Yea. Today is my first day."

"And kids are already giving you problems? This school sucks."

"Yea." He laughs a little. Then it got silent.

"Thank you for taking me here." He says breaking the silence.

"Oh no problem. Do you have any idea who did this to you?" I ask.

"It was a taller boy. He had two other boys by his side. He had long, brown hair, a nose piercing, a-"

"Raegan." I slap my forhead.


"Raegan Beast. One of the most popular kids in the school. Also a big Fuckboy, don't ask." I say.

"Oh." Is all he says.

"Why did he do it?" I ask.

"Well- see I'm gay. And he's in 4th period class. I'm proud of my sexuality and who I am, so I told the class. Then I went to the bathroom and he followed with his friends."

"Oh jeez. Don't worry about him. If he says or does anything else to you, I'll talk to him." I say unsure.

"Really? Thank you." He smiles. "But, why are you being so nice to me?" He asks.

"Well first of all, I'm a shy kid who also gets bullied. And second of all, I'm gay too, and transgender. Those are the two reasons I get bullied. But Raegan has never bullied me." I shrug.

"Oh I'm sorry." He says.

"I'm used to it." I tell him. He nods putting the ice pack back on his cheek.

"Justin? Justin are you okay?" I hear from the door as I turn to see who it is. Madison.

"Yea mads I'm fine." I tell her. She looks at James next to me.

"Oh. Madison, this is James, he's new. James, this is my best friend Madison."

"Nice to meet you." Madison says smiling.

"Nice to meet you too." He smiles back.

"What happened?" Madison asks sitting down next to him and looking at his cheek.

"Who do you think." I look at her with a 'duh' face.

"The Fuckboy." She laughs a little.

"You got it."

The reason we call him a Fuckboy is because of how many girls he's dated. More than I can count on my hands and feet. Yea, a lot. And most of the time, you can tell he just does it to get in their pants. I feel bad for the girls he's dated. They either get cheated on or he breaks up with them within 3 days. It's so stupid. I also feel bad for the girls he dates now, becuase they are brainless.

"We should get back to class." I say. Madison groans.

"I say we just sit here and say his cheek keeps getting worse."

"No, come on." I laugh at her. James takes the ice pack off his cheek and gives it back to the nurse. It looks a lot better now.

"Honestly, if he touches you again. I'm going to say something to him." I tell him as we walk to our classes.

"Yea right." Madison bumps into me.

"Watch me." I tell her smirking.

~End of the day~

It's Friday. I have three words. Thank. You. Lord. The weekend is calling my name.

I close my locker shut with all my books in it. I'm surprised I have no homework. So all my books are in my locker for the weekend.

My phone goes off and I check it. As I look to see who texted me, I feel hands on my shoulders.

"Hey." I say. Madison comes into view from behind me.

"Did you get a text too?"

"Uh yea, I was just about to check."

"Ok. Check." She says. I look at her weird but unlock my phone to read the message.

Yo bitches. Party tonight at my house. 10 o'clock, be there anytime after that. Bring a shit load of beer and other liquor. Prepared to have a lit ass night and get drunk asf. Be there!
-Raegan ;)

"He sent that to everyone?" I ask.

"Yup, the whole school."

"How the fuck did he even get my number?"

"Who the fuck knows, he's Raegan." She says laughing. I nod.

"Hey Justin." James comes from behind Madison and stands next to her.

"Hi James." I smile. He gives me his phone.

"Is that the kid who bullied me today?" He asks.

"Uh yea. He got your number and it's your first day? He's good." I nod laughing a little.

"Well, are we gonna go?" Madison asks acting exited.

"Why not." I shrug. James looks unsure.

"I don't know." He says.

"Come on, it will be fun." I assure him. He thinks.

"Fine, but I'm not drinking." He says.

"I'll take it." I smile.

"So it's settled." Mads smiles.

"Hell yea!" I say laughing.

Again, better chapter than last time I think. Hope you all enjoyed 💕 This story bouta get lit 🤘 (tEa?😂)

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