Chapter ~33~

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Justin's pov:

"Mom?" I walk into the house and call for her. I hear like what sounds like crying. I walk in and go to the kitchen. She is sitting at the table, multiple papers on it.

"Mom?" I ask again. She looks up and sees me. She quickly wipes her tears and gives me a fake smile.

"Hey Justin."

I sit down across from her at the table and take one of the papers.

"Papers about your work? What is this?" I ask putting the paper back down.

"Son, i-i...i don't know how to tell you this."

"What going on mom?" I ask. She's scaring me.

"Y-your father, you know, mostly is paying for this house..." She starts. I nod.

"And now since he's in jail, he can't help pay for the house, or us."

"Yeah, but your job."

"My job doesn't pay me enough Justin. That's why I'm going to quit."

"What? But then what will we do?"

"Justin...listen." She seems so stressed. I feel terrible. My eyes water as i'm looking at her.

"We can't stay here." She says.

"What?" I say almost as a whisper. My eyes wide in confusion.

"Baby we don't enough money to stay here. We need to move somewhere else."

"No!" I yell getting up from the chair.

"Justin, i'm sorry."

"Mom, please. There has got to be something you can do. I can't leave Madison and James. I can't leave Raegan. No no no I can't leave Raegan mom!" Tears stream down my eyes like a river. I'm shaking. This can't happen.

"Sweety I love you and I want the best for you. I know you don't want to leave Raegan but we need to. I already called your grandmother who lives in Florida. We are going to stay with her."

"No no please. Mom you have to do something. Find a good job here that will pay you so we can stay. Please." I beg. I don't want to leave.

"I already did apply for a job Justin. In Florida..."

"Oh my god." I wipe my face from the tear stains forming. I run out of the kitchen and up the stairs as fast as I can to my room. I slam the door and slide down it crying.

I can't do this. I can't move and just go to a different school. I can't leave my school. I can't leave my friends. I can't leave my boyfriend. My boyfriend that I love. My boyfriend that I would die for and he would do the same. We aren't meant to be seperated. This isn't right. Why is this happening to us. I can't live without him.

I get up and crawl onto my bed. I grab my phone and go to messages. Baby💘

Me: Baby...I need to talk to you.

Baby💘: What's wrong baby boy?

Me: Tomorrow, meet me in the West hallway before 1st period.

Baby💘: What's going on?

Me: I'll tell you then. Goodnight.

Baby💘: Ok goodnight. I love you.

I didn't want to answer. It's not I don't love him because of course I do. So much but...I don't want to lead him on. I feel like when I tell him, he's going to want to break up. He's going to want to see other people. Long distance never works. And Raegan, he won't be able to handle that. I don't want to say it, but Raegan might go back to being a Fuckboy.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." I lay back against my headboard. The door opens and my mom comes in.


"I know mom. You're going to say we need to do this because of the money issue. And that again, you love me and want the best for me. I know you do, but I love Raegan. I can't leave him."

"Baby you got to he strong for me. I don't want to do this either, but we don't have a choice. I'm sorry I can't do any better." Her lips quiver and her eyes get teary. She immediatly looks down and contains herself before looking back up.

"I don't want to leave him." I shake my head.

"You can visit all the time and he's always welcome where we are. It's not like you'll never see each other again."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I love you justin."

"I love you too mom." She kisses my forhead before leaving my room. I don't want to tell him.

~The next morning (Raegan's suspension is over😂shh I forgot)~

I walk into the shitty school I go to and look around. I'm dreading going to the West hallway to talk to Raegan. But I need to tell him as soon as possible. I don't even know when I'm leaving. So I don't know how much longer I have with him.

I walk into the West hallway and I don't see him. I sit down against the wall and wait. Maybe a minute later, he comes into the hallway looking rushed. He sees me and walks to me.

"Hey babe." He smiles. I just stare at him.

"You're scaring me baby." He says. I get up off the floor and take a deep breath.

"Raegan." I feel myself starting to cry. He notices and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest. I can't do this.

"Justin, tell me please." He says rubbing my back.

"I don't want to tell you." I contain my tears as best as I can. I pull away from his chest and back up away from him.

"Please, I have when your sad babe. Just tell me." He begs.

"Just know, what I'm about to tell you. I don't want it to interfere with us. But you might." I say. He looks so confused. Just tell him!

"No, I wouldn't want anything to interfere with us baby." He gets closer to me.

"I-im moving." I say, by voice cracking from wanting to start crying again.

"What?" He whispers. Almost like I did when my mom told me in the kitchen.

"Since my dad is in jail now, he can't help pay for my house or my mom and I. And my mom's job wasn't paying her enough. So she told me we are moving to Florida with my grandmother." As I say that the bell rings. He stares at me with disbelief. His eyes water as mine fall down my cheeks.

"When?" He asks. I can hear the lump in his throat.

"I don't know yet." I shrug. He doesn't way anything and we don't move.

"I understand if you don't want to be together anymore. Long distance relationships-"

"No no." He cuts me off getting closer to me. "Don't think like that."

He stares down at me. Our bodies almost touching and I see him look from my eyes to my lips. I gently grab his cheeks and kiss him.

"I-i love you." I stutter.

"I love you too." And he walks away. Fuck I feel terrible. I hate to do this to him.

I walk to first class with my head down. The whole day, my head down.

IIIIIIMMMMM SORRRY...NOT. this is all part of my plan that's leading to the sequal😂 you'll all see soon...hope you enjoyed 🤷😘

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