Chapter ~1~

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Justin's pov:

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast honey you are going to be late." My mom says as I step in the kitchen. I woke up late and I'm just not in the mood.

"I'm not hungry mom."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. But do I have to go to school?" I ask groaning.

"Yes of course you do? Is there a problem all of sudden?" She asks sweetly.

"I'm just tired and I don't want to deal with people at school. No one likes me, I have one friend mom."

"I'm sure it's not that sweetheart. You just aren't social." She says.

"Whatever you say. Bye mom." I say walking out of the kitchen.

"Bye Justin." I hear her yell before I step out of the house. The sun is shining today and it's very nice out. Still doesn't brighten up my mood.

I get in my car and put my backpack in the passenger seat. Yes i'm a junior in high school and I have a car. I start it and turn the air on. I'm so tired today, it's not even funny.

~At school~

I open my locker and take out some books I need. I shove them in my backpack and slam my locker closed.

"Goodmorning Blake." Madison comes up next to me. My best friend and really, only friend.

"Morning Nicolas." I give her a little smile. We call each other by our last names all the time as you can probably already tell.

"You alright?"

"Just tired. I want to sleep." I tell her leaning my back against my locker.

"I hear ya." She says.

I watch as students walk by us in the hallway. My eyes shift to one person and one person only as he walks slowly down the hallway with his friends. Raegan Beast, the most popular junior. Also, just a very popular guy in the school. Tall, Brown hair, Brown eyes, nose piercing. Hot right? Yup. I've kinda had a crush on him since freshman year. I'm not proud of it. He's the biggest player, Fuckboy, whatever you want to call it in the school. But like, he's so attractive. He would never notice me, and I don't really want him to.

I watch him as he walks with his two best friends, Jason and Brad. Also very attractive guys but nothing compared to Raegan. As you can tell I'm very gay ;)

As they pass Madison and I, I turn my body to the side and lean against the lockers again. Keeping my eyes on only him.

"Stop staring." She laughs hitting my arm.

"I caaaan't." I whine.

"He's not even attractive." She says crossing her arms.

"Uh, you are not my best friend anymore." I say and turn to walk away.

"No please I'm so sorry."

I turn around and see her on her knees trying not to laugh. Other kids are looking at her funny.

"You need help." I say laughing at her. She gets up off her knees and comes over to me. We walk together to first period.


I sit down at Madison and I's table we always sit at. I'm not hungry today. Madison gets up to go get her food from the school cafeteria. I sit alone, on my phone waiting for her. I look up and see everyone sitting with their friends, eating. They are all talking, some laughing. I wish that could be me. I'm not saying I don't have a good time with Mads, but other people with us would he fun.

My mind gets interrupted to seeing Raegan walk in the lunch room. He scans the room. His eyes land on me quick but then he quickly looks away, going over to his friends. Jesus I really need to stop staring. I put my head on the table and sigh.

I jump up to a loud noise against the table. I look up and see Madison sitting down with her tray on the table.

"What are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?" I laugh a little.

"No. I'm trying to wake your ass up." She says taking a bite of the piece of pizza she got.

"Whatever." I say putting my head back down on the table.

~End of the day~

Thank god. I'm mad it's Thursday though. It's not Friday yet.

"You look so miserable oh my god." Mads says coming up to me at my locker.

"I know. I need sleep." I tell her closing my locker.

"Then let's get out of this hell hole." She says throwing her arm around my shoulder.

"I'm with ya."

We walk towards the front doors of the school. On the way, someone pushes me and I fall to the ground. My hands save me from smashing my face into the ground. I roll over and people are towered over me laughing.

"Little tranny." A kid says and the other kids start laughing more.

In the mix of all the kids, I see Brad, Jason, and Raegan looking at me. Brad and Jason start laughing and then I see Raegan laughing along with them.

My eyes fill with tears as Madison helps me up and gets me out of there. I can still hear all of the little laughing in the school. She takes me out and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and cry into her chest.

"It's okay love, You're okay. Calm down." She whispers to me. I stop crying after a few minutes. Just hugging her felt so good right now.

"Go home and get some sleep Blake." She says pulling away from me. I nod and get into my car saying bye to her.

I hate getting bullied. I'm such a shy kid and I can't handle it. Seeing Raegan laugh at me too, it just made it worse. Like my high school crush laughing at me, not fun.

Y'all gotta admit, this chapter was better written then my first chapter before I deleted it 😂 my first few chapters are going to be similar to the ones before but better written and just better in general :)

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