Chapter ~14~

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Justin's pov:

I hate rainy days. They bring my mood down. I like days where's the sun is shining and it's warm out. Today it's cold and damp.

I run inside to school so I don't get too much water on me. I take my hood off as I walk to my locker. I open it and put mu jacket away so I don't have to carry it all day. It's hot in this school.

"Hey blake." Madison comes up to me smiling.

"Hey Nick. What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much. The weather sucks today."

"I know I hate it. Wheres James?" I ask. I almost didn't notice for a second.

"He wasn't feeling so good this morning. So he stayed home."

"Awe I hope he feels better." I say.

"Me too."

The bell rings and we start to walk to first period.

"You need to tell me everything that's been going on with you know who."

"I will. Don't worry."


The bell rings for lunch. I stop at my locker before I head to lunch quick.  I need to put my math book away. After I'm done with that, I head to lunch. On my way, I see Raegan talking to a girl. Madison? Why her?

"Please Madison, talk to him. I like him so much it's scary. I don't understand how I fell for him so hard. I just know you two are best friends. And I want him to be mine." I smile at myself as I hear him say that.

"He told you that you need to come out first. So do it."

"Its not that easy to just 'do it'. You know how bad that would ruin my reputation."

"If you like Justin so much, you shouldn't care about your reputation. If people don't like you for you, that's their problem." She crosses her arms. Yes best friend go!

"But- I need time to think of how I'm going to do it and stuff." He says looking a little nervous.

"Why don't I help you? I'll help you come up with a way to tell everyone and you'll get what you want." She tells him.

"Ok. Ok yea. Can we meet after school? I hate keeping him waiting I feel terrible. And myself, i-i can't think straight." He says.

"Because your gay. Ha! Get it." She laughs. God she's crazy.

"Correction. Bi. And yea, I get it." He smiles.

"So I'll see you after school. My place?" She asks.

"I don't care sure. Just text me your address."

I see them exchange numbers and say goodbye to each other. Raegan walks this way while Madison walks to lunch. I run back to the middle of the hallway and pretent I was walking the opposite way of him. He turns the corner and sees me walking his way.

"Hey Justin." He smiles.

"Hi." I smile back at him. His smile makes me smile.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Lunch. Where are you going?" I ask emphasising the word you.

"Skipping lunch. I don't eat here."

"Me either. But I still go." I say.

"Come on. Skip with me today." He says.

"Uh I don't know. I'm not really the skipping type." I laugh.

"It's lunch." He says like I'm stupid. "Come on." He jerks his head forward and starts walking again. I follow because why not? He's right, I don't need to be in the lunch.

We walk around the school a little. Then finally I see he's walking behind the stairs. He leans against the wall undersyand the staircase and I see him pull out a cigarette. I just stare at him as he lights it. He holds it between his pointer and middle finger. He inhales it and blows the smoke out to the side so it doesn't hit me.

"Want one?"

"What? No. You shouldn't be smoking anyway."

"And why is that."

"First it's not good for you. And second you can get in serious trouble if you get caught."

"Like I care." He smile. I cross my arms staring at him as he blows out some more smoke and flicking the ashes on the ground.

He sits down on the ground and again, leans against the wall. He pants the floor next to him, letting me know he wants me to sit down with him. I do and he wraps his arm around my waist. He rubs my hip and I get goosebumps. Him smoking is bothering me. I'll fix that problem.

"Can I see it?" I ask. He looks at me.

"You want to try?"

"Yea. Why not."

He gives it to me and put the end of it against the wall. I smile at him as he makes an annoyed face.

"Whatever." He says pulling out a cigarette box.

"No no." I say grabbing the box.

"Come on." He whines.

"Nope sorry. Gotta fight me for them." I laugh looking at the box. There are a lot in here wtf?

"Or." Is all he says. I look at him and he kisses me right as I turn my head. I kiss back not wanting this to end. I close my eyes and feel weak. He weakens me when he kisses me.

I feel him snatch the box from my hands easily. I had no grip. He pulls away.

"Easy." He smirks. I pout at him. He sticks the box I his pocket.

"Ugh." I groan.

The bell rings for fifth period. He doesn't move.

"Are you going to fifth period?" I ask him.

"Nah. I don't feel like it." He says. I kiss his cheek and get up off the floor.

"If I see you smoke another cigarette, your done." I make a cute mad face.

"Whatever you want cutie." He says going on his phone. I walk away and head to my class.

~End of the day~

I'm thinking of playing dumb with Madison. So I will.

"Hey Madison?" I ask closing my locker.


"Want to hang out?"

"Oh uhhh. I-I can't." She stutters.

"And why not?" I ask acting annoyed. This is funny.

"I'm sorry. My mom needs me for something."

"I can help. Text her and ask." I say. Her eyes widen.

"No it's fine. I gotta go she'll yell at me. Bye Jay love ya." She says walking away fast. She's crazy I love her.

I get home and take off my jacket and shoes so I don't get the house dirty. My dad is sitting on the couch. I walk up to my room praying he doesn't talk to me at all tonight.

I have a basketball game in about an hour so I thought I'd update before I go. I actually really liked this chapter. It's different ya know 😊❤ Hope you liked and please vote!

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