Chapter ~19~

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Justin's pov:

Saturday. Literally the best day of the week. A day to either sleep and relax or have fun. Today I'm going to choose to relax.

I go down the stairs and grab a pop tart. Next I go to the sitting room and make myself room. I sit down and put a blanket over me. This is exactly what my perfect saturday looks like. Couch, food, tv.

"Hey sweety." My mom comes down the stairs.

"Hi mom. Don't you have work?" I ask.

"Yea I do. I'm going in late."

"Ok." I smile. She comes over to me and sits down on the edge of the couch.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm fine mom. Why?"

"I just feel like you've been in a emotional mood lately."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's over." I nod.

"Oh okay. Well I love you and I'll see you after work." She kisses my forhead.

"Love you too mom." She grabs her purse and walks out the door waving at me a little. I turn on Netflix and prepare for a long day.

~6 o'clock at night~

"I'm home!"

"Hey mom." I smile at her.

"Hi Justin, what did you do all day?"

"This." I laugh point at the tv screen.

"Well I hope you had a good Saturday. I'm going to make dinner."

"Ok." I nod. She walks to the kitchen and I turn my movie back on.

*ring ring*

I look at the side of me. My phone is buzzing, someone is calling me. It's a random number. I won't he surpised if it's a prank call. I pick my phone up slide over so answer the call.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, is this Justin Blake?" It sounds like a middle aged women.

"Um yes. Who's asking?" I ask politely.

"My name is Elizabeth Cooper. I'm calling from the town's hospital."

"Oh, uh why are you calling?" I ask concerned. I don't know anyone who's in the hospital at this time, I don't think.

"I'm calling to inform you that a friend of yours Raegan Beast is here."

I immediately sit up on the couch and my breathing gets heavy.

"Why is he there ma'am and why are you calling me?" I ask.

"Well first of all, his mother told me to call you. Maybe he told her too I'm not sure. He was drunk driving and got into a terrible accident." She explains. My palms get sweaty and I start shaking.

"Can I come see him?"

"Yes you may."

"Ok I'll be there soon." I hang up the phone and jump off the couch. I sprint to the kitchen.

"Mom I need to go to the hospital, I'll be back later for dinner."

"Sweetheart what happened?"

"My friend got into a car accident. I'll text you later I have to go." She nods quickly and I grab my jacket and car keys. I make sure I have my phone still with me and rush out to my car. I start it and drive as quickly but also as safely as I can to the hospital.

Once I get to it, I park my car and get out. I put my jacket on and walk to the doors of the building. It's cold tonight. Oh who gives a shit? Raegan is in the hospital. I pick up my speed and walk through the doors. I go to the desk in the front.

"Excuse me?" I ask. The lady looks up at me and smiles.

"How can I help you Sir?"

"Can I please see Raegan Beast? I'm a friend."

"His mother is here with him, you may go up and check with her to make sure it's okay. 3rd floor, room 320." She nods.

"Thank you." I walk past the desk and into the elevator that is in the front on the hall. I press the button with the 3 on it what wait. The doors and walk through the halls. I finally see his mom in front of a room crying.

"Mrs. Beast?"

"Justin." She cries. I go up to her and she hugs me. She continues to cry and I can't think of what she is going through.

"I'm so sorry." I tell her pulling away. She nods wipping her tears.

"Thank you. I just don't understand why he got drunk and decided to drive home." She says.

"C-can I see him?" I ask.

"Yes, just be prepared." She says which scares me. I nod and open the door slowly to his room. I walk in and see him on the hospital bed.

His eyes are closed, he looks peaceful. Except the fact that he has a scratches on his cheeks. A cast on his arm. And a big patch on his shoulder. I feel tears fall down my cheeks as I stare at him. What was he thinking? His eyes slowly open and he sees me.

"Justin?" He says barely loud enough to hear. I get closer to him and stand right next to the bed.

"Raegan." Tears fall down my face on to his hospital gown.

"Please don't cry." He says. I lift my arm and rub his cheek with my thumb.

"What were you thinking?" I ask.

"You won't believe me." He says taking my hand and holding it.

"Tell me." I plead. He sniffs his nose.

"I got drunk to forget about everything. T-to forget about you." He says and my eyes widen.

"No. No no please. Please tell me I didn't cause this."

"You didn't. It was all my fault. I just needed to forget about you. Forget your perfect face. Forget your amazing personality." I feel myself blush as I'm crying. I smile at a little at him.

"Raegan I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I just told you I was done, I should have talked to you. But what you did proves to me how much you care about me."

"You have no idea how much I care about you." I squeeze his hand a little. I lean down close to his face and stare into his eyes. Fuck it. I grab his jaw and kiss him softly. He kisses back and I feel him smile.

"You need to promise me something." I tell him.


"If I give you another chance, you have to promise not to make me regret."

"I promise, I promise." He smiles. I sit down on a chair next to the bed and just look at him. I feel terrible.

"Justin?" He looks so uncomfortable. His face is full of pain.

"Yes love?"

"E-everything hurts." He stutters. I grab his hand again and gently stroke his with my thumb.

"You'll get through this Raegan. I'm here." I smile. He all of a sudden starts crying. I stand up and get closer concerned.

"Hey hey what's wrong? What hurts?" I ask holding his face. He continues to cry.

"Nothing hurts. I-i-"

"What Raegan? Say it." He stays quiet.

"I love you."

Cliffhanger? I think so😂😂woops. Hope you enjoyed....

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