Chapter ~9~

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Justin's pov:

I rush home into my car after school so I don't run into Raegan. I don't want to see or talk to him. I drive home and go inside. No one's home. Good.

I drop my bag and go over to the couch. I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. I need something to distract me from today. Watching Stranger Things? Yup. I stay on the couch with some chips watching Stranger Things until my phone goes off.

Raegan: Let's talk please?

Me: There is nothing to talk about.

I put my phone down after sending that message and continuing to watch my show. My phone goes off again and I don't want to look. But I do.

Raegan: Yes there is, let me explain.

I don't answer. I put my phone back down on the couch and get comfortable on the couch.

I would say maybe 10 minutes later, the door bell rings. I take a deep breathe before getting up from the couch and going to the door. I open it and you can guess who's standing there. Raegan.

"What do you want? I don't want to see you." I tell him. He makes his way in and I move back.

"Please hear me out."

"Why should I? Why should I trust you? Do you know what you are called around the school. Do you know what you are known for?"

"Yes. Yes. I know everything Justin. I've heard everything. But you need to let me explain. And after that, if you don't believe me. I'll leave." He says.

"Fine." I say walking over the couch. I sit down and cross my arms. He sits down next to me, a little distance between us.

"Ok, yes. Everything you heard, You heard. I'm not denying anything. But I didn't mean it. The boy I was talking to and my other friend told me or 'dared' me to talk to you. They wanted me to pretend I cared about you and be friends with you. I agreed. But once I started hanging out with you, I was having fun with you. When you were upset about your dad, I was serious when I tried to comfort you. I promise Justin I was doing what my friends wanted me to." He says.

"So you lied to your friends?"

"Yes, but that's not the point." He says.

"You promise? That's all true?" I ask.


"But you shouldn't try and be someone your not around your friends." I tell him.

"I know. I just didn't want to tell them I want to be your friend." He says but then looks like he regretted it.

"No no. I mean-"

"So your embarressed around me?" I ask.

"No that came out wrong. It's different." He say.

"Can you just leave me alone for a while. We can't be friends if you are embarrassed around me and we can't talk in public. Also I don't want to be friends with someone who pretends." I tell him looking right at him.

"It's not like that Jay." He says coming closer to me.

"Just- please." I say. He looks at me for a minute before getting up off the couch. He walks towards the door but turns around before completely leaving.

"Text me later." He says and walks out. I fall to the side and allow my whole body to the across the couch.

I don't know if I can trust him. I haven't been talking to him that much. His friend he was talking to, he seemed so serious. Like he really didng like me. But now he's saying he does want me as a friend. But I would be a secret friend of his because of his other 'popular' friends. Am I crazy for not believing him? His reputation doesn't help me decide right now.

~That night~

I go downstairs for dinner. My mom is at the table. So is my dad. Great:/ I was hoping I could talk to my mom in private tonight but guess not. I sit down at the end of the table and start eating dinner.

"So Justin, how's school?" My mom asks me.

"It's fine." I say picking at my food.

"Find that special boy yet?" She giggles a little. I look at her and laugh.

"I like someone." I say.

"Aww really?"

"Yea. But he doesn't like me back. I'm okay though." I say.

"He'll figure out you're the one." My mom smiles. She so supportive of me I love it.

"Stop talking like that." My dad says looking at my mom.

"If you don't like it, go somewhere else." My mom's says to him.

"Maybe I will." He says.

"Dad stop. Why can't you be as supportive as mom. Her asking about my day was really nice of her. And if I liked anyone, preferably a boy because i'm gay, that was really sweet too. What do you say to me? Not shit." I say looking at him to my right.

"I don't want to say anything to you because I'm not with this whole gay thing. It's so stupid!" He yells.

"It's not stupid! You're stupid for not understanding when someone is gay. Why is it so bad?" I ask.

"Boys are meant to be attracted to women. Women are meant to he attached to that I think about it, you're not even a boy so it's okay for you to like a boy." He says looking straight at me. I look from him to my mom who had a discusted look on her face.

"David, stop. He's your son."

"My daughter is what she is."

"STOP!" I yell before getting up from the table and running up the stairs. I almost trip from going so fast. I get to my room and slam the door.

I'm done. Im done with people's shit. I need to learn to not care anymore. When people call me a girl, don't care. It's not easy. But I can try....I guess.

:) update. Unedited so...dont lose ya shit if you see an error😂💕

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