Chapter ~34~

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There is technically smut in this chapter but I'm not going to write it because it takes too long and I'm uncomfortable lmao.
Justin's pov:

I lay on the couch. Motionless. I don't want to get up. I don't want to move. I don't want to think. Or talk. Or eat. Just sleep for as long as possible.

I'm not going to be happy in Florida. My life's going to go downhill. It already is actually. But it's just going to get worse.

"Justin?" My mom comes into the sitting room.

"Yea?" I ask looking at her.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure." I shrug. She sighs and sits on the couch near my legs still looking at me.

"We need to leave in a few days." She says. "And you need to pack."

"I can't mom."

"Justin. We went over this." She gives me that mom look.

"I know. I-i'll start tomorrow."

"Ok. We are leaving Tuesday." As she says that my head shoots up and I sit up on the couch."

"Mom that's four days." (It's Friday)

"I said a few days." She says.

"But, that soon?" I look at her upset. She nods.

"I'm sorry honey."

My phone dings. I take it off the coffee table and check the massage I got.

Baby💘: Can I come over?

"Mom?" She looks at me.

"Can Rae come over?"

"I would like you to start packing tonight." She says.

"Please. I'm trying to spend as much time with him as possible." I pout at her.

"Alright sure." She nods.

"Thank you." I smile getting off the couch.

Me: Yeah. Hurry.

I open the front door and literally stand at it waiting for him. My mom gets off the couch.

"I'll be in my room, packing."

"Okay." I nod. She goes up the stairs and I turn back around to stare outside. I see his car pull up and he gets out. He sees me and rushes into the house.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks. I just hug him around his neck making him forced to hunch down a bit.

"Justin?" He asks trying to get me to talk. I pull away and look at him, my eyes watering. He pulls me over to the couch and we sit down.

"I-i'm" I don't want to say it. I don't want to tell him.

"What baby?" He rubs my cheek from the tears.

"I'm leaving on Tuesday Rae."

"This Tuesday? four days?" He asks. I nod.

"I don't want to leave you." I hug him again. He pulls me onto his lap as I hug right around his neck.

"Alright shh, you're okay." He rubs my back.

"How are you calm about this?"

"I'm really not. We just need to be strong." He says. I untangle my arms from his neck and look at him.

"You really think this can work?" I ask.

"Well, I don't know. But I love you Justin and I don't want to think it can't." Tears form in his eyes. He smiles at me. Seeing him trying to be strong for me is so heartbreaking. I know he's upset. He just doesn't want to show it.

"I love you too Rae." I say. We both look to see my mom coming down the stairs.

"I'm going to the store boys. See you after." She says.

"Ok bye." I say. She leaves shutting the door. I turn back and wipe his tears with my thumb.

He put this hands on my waist and kisses me. I run my fingers through his hair with my left hand as my right is gripping his jawline. He slides his tongue against my bottom lip. I let him in and we start to kiss roughly now. His hands slide under my shirt as he rubs my sides and back. I get goosebumps through my whole body at his touch.

Both his hands travel down to my ass. I flinch a little and whine into the kiss. I feel him smirk. His hands stay at my ass as he squeezes every once and a while. My body is against his as I'm on sitting on his lap.

"Can we take this upstairs?" He mummbles into what now turned into small pecks.

My heart beats faster but I nod. He picks me up and gets up from the couch. He walks up the stairs with me and into my room. He shuts the door and drops me down on my bed. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me again. Our breathing picks up as it gets really heated now. He goes down more and sucks on my neck. I feel him making dark hickeys. He takes off his shirt and I let him take mine off. He stares at my binder. I nod.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah. Go ahead." I nod again. He takes it off and kisses down my chest. I get goosebumps at his lips touching my body.

"You're beautiful baby." He says which makes me smile. He keeps kissing down my chest, to my stomach, to my waist. He tugs at my pants. I don't move, I'm frozen He brings his head up to mine.

"Do you want to do this?" He asks.

"Do you?" I ask.

"Yes. But I need to make sure you do." He says and kisses me.

"Um...yeah." I nod.

"You don't seem so sure." He says gently.

"I'm just nervous. I've never done this."

"Okay, I'll be gentle." He stares into my eyes.

"Ok....ok yeah."


"Yes baby." I kiss him. He pulls my pants down slowly and slides them all the way off.

....Yeah. I really don't wanna write it. I'm lazy asf. But yeah they 👉👌 lmao

We lay on my bed out to breathe, both on our backs. I look over at him and he's staring at me. I get closer and cuddle him. He wraps his arms around me.

"I don't want you to leave." He breaks the silence.

"I don't want to leave."

"Can we make it work?" He asks. I pick my head up and look at him.

"I want it to. So bad. You're the first real relationship I've had. I hate to ruin what we have."

"You aren't ruining it baby. And you are the first boy ive ever dated. I love you. So, we got this."

"I love you more Rae. You have no idea."

Do they "got this?" Do they not? Idk. Little of a boring chapter but here ya go ❤

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