Chapter ~28~

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Justin's pov:

~Time skip to Monday because I can't wait any longer :)~

Fuck I'm nervous. I know it sounds wierd for me to be nervous but I am. Like Raegan's going to tell the whole school he's bisexual and that he's dating me. I'm going to cry. No I can't that's embarrassing. But I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it.

My mind races as I drive to school. I made sure I look a little better then I do most days, and I think I did good. I feel myself sweating a little. Oh my god! Fjeisbwnjdss

Raegan's pov:

I wait at Justin's locker for him. A few people are staring at me because of the crutches but i don't care. I'm a little nervous about today but not bad. The whole school knows me as a player and 'Fuckboy' you could say. So when I tell them this they are just going to think it's another fake relationship or a game. But this is way different. I'm not like that anymore.

So, Justin doesn't know. But I emailed the principle and asked if we can have an assembly today that the whole school attends at one time. That's the only way. Because the lunches are separated by grade. She said yes and she's happy I'm coming out. It's going to be during 2nd period.

I see Justin walking this way. He looks really nervous. It's cute.

"Hey." He smiles a little at me. I get closer to him and lift my arms to hug him around the neck. He's surprised at first but then hugs back around my waist being careful of my crutches.

"Hi." I say to him and kiss his forehead. We pull away and I lean against the lockers. He opens his and sighs.

"Are you nervous?" He asks.

"A little." I shrug.

"I'm shitting my pants Rae." He closes his locker and laughs.

"It'll be fine." As I say that the bell rings.

"Well, see you second period." I tell him and start heading to my first period. He's probably so confused...

Justin's pov:

Raegan and I don't have 2nd period together? So how am I going to see him second period? Shit now I'm really scared. I walk to my first period.

~Beginning of second period~

The bell rings for 2nd period to start. I look around the room and shift in my seat. Ugh I can't stay still. Then, the loud speaker comes on.

"Attention students. This is Mrs. Lee. Can all students please report to the auditorium at this time for a brief assembly. Thank you."

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. No he's not. No no no. Oh my god!

The whole class gets up and we walk to the auditorium. I sit with my class towards the back because other classes got here first. I'm sitting on the end. Everyone is talking and laughing and I'm here having a pannic attack. Not really but it feels like it.

I see Raegan coming up to where I'm sitting and whisper for me to follow him. I get up and follow him go the front. He makes me sit down on the end seat in the front row.

"Rae what are you doing?" I ask.

"What does it look like?" He smiles and goes up to the stage. He has a microphone in his hand so he's louder and everyone can hear.

"Hey? Everyone?" He gets everyone's attention. The whole room is silent now.

"So i'm Raegan Beast. Most of you may know me." He says. A guy in the back yells 'beast' and a few people laugh. You know that one person that just wants attention. Yeah that kid.

"If you are wondering, I got in a car accident. But that's not important." He starts.

"I'm up here to make an announcement that I've been meaning to tell all of you for the past two weeks or maybe more." I feel my heart rate speed up as he says that. He glances at me quick before continuing.

"I'm just going to say it. I'm bisexual." As he says that everyone starts whispering. I look back at everyone and then back at Rae.

"And that's not the only reason I'm up here." He says. Everyone stops talking and looks back at him. Shit shit shit!

"I'm in love with this boy. Like really really in love with him. And I want to ask him something right now." He stops and looks directly at me and smiles.

"Justin Blake, will you make me the happiest boy ever and be my boyfriend?" He asks. My eyes tear. I get up out of my seat and walk up the few stairs onto the stage. I go up to him and hug him as tight as I can.

"Yes! Yes!" I nod my head in his chest starting to cry. One person starts clapping, I see it's Madison. As she starts clapping, everyone else does too. And I mean everyone.

"I love you Justin." He says to me.

"I love you too Raegan." I pull away from the hug and look into his eyes.

Everyone clapping and makes me smile. I grab onto his cheeks lightly and kiss him. He kisses back and we kiss with so much passion. Now I hear people yelling and cheering as they clap. I laugh pulling away still looking at him. He wipes my tears and smiles at me.

~Lunch time~

I walk into the lunch room and see Raegan sitting with his friends. Should I walk over to him? Should I go with Madison and James? As I'm about to walk over to Madison and James, I see Raegan waving me over. I walk over and he pulls me down next to him. He wraps his arm around my waist.

"Hey baby." I look up at him and he kisses me quick.

"Hi." I smile and see all his friends looking at me.

"Stop." Raegan says to them. They continue eating. I look back at Madison and James. They are looking at me. His friends are also making me uncomfortable because they keep glancing at me.

"Rae can I go with Madison and James?" I ask.

"Oh, sure." He says letting go of me. I kiss him before walking over to them. They smile.

"Hey Justin. Why aren't youuuu-"

"His friends are staring at me. And I sit with you guys all the time, I felt bad."

"What about Rae?"

"He's fine." I say looking back at him for a second. He's smiling looking down at his food. He's so precious.

Awwww finally!!! 😂❤ hope you enjoyed 💙💙

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